Emilie Jouanjus was graduated PharmD at the University of Toulouse, France, and subsequently did her Ph.D. at the same University on the serious complications related to psychoactive substance use, defended in 2013. Her main topic has been the study of the cardiovascular outcomes that occur among cannabis users. She was awarded with the Thesis Award of the French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT).
Emilie now works at the Department of Medical and Clinical Pharmacology of Toulouse University Hospital as a member of the French Addictovigilance Network (FAN) and at the Faculty of Pharmacy as an Associate Professor of Pharmacology. She does research at the Centre for Epidemiology and Research in POPulation Health (CERPOP, UMR1295, joint Inserm – Toulouse III University research unit) in Pharmacoepidemiology, Addiction, and Clinical Pharmacology.
In 2015, she participated in the WHO Expert Committee on the Social and health effects of nonmedical cannabis use. In 2019, she joined the EACPT Young Clinical Pharmacologist Working Group and led a collaborative project on medical cannabis at the European scale. Together with Carla Sans Pola, she has taken the chairmanship of this working group for the 2021-2023 mandate.