Aims of European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
(published in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1993; 36: 183-184)
European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
As an academic discipline, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) has been developing over the last 25 years or so, but its impact on health care services has been less impressive. In the European region, CPT has developed well in some countries (e.g. United Kingdom, Scandinavia) but less well in others. Some 10 years ago, a European initiative in CPT was started through the offices of the World Health Organisation (European Office). After considering the initial WHO document, most of its ideas were confirmed and brought up to date in a new European overview. A number of publications followed such as those dealing with primary care issues, education and a brochure describing CPT in the various European countries which was produced in 1991.
In the last few years, CPT has made advances in a number of European countries (e.g. France, Germany, Italy and Spain) while in the east of the region, the map of Europe has changed out of all recognition in the last 2 or 3 years. This has led to a desire to help the emerging scientific disciplines in Eastern Europe, in our case that of CPT. In the last 2 years, extensive discussions have taken place between various clinical pharmacologists in Europe (in which the German Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics [6] was particularly involved) with a view to forming a European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT). Stimulated particularly by the advent of the single market in the EEC and by the knowledge that the next International Congress of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics will not be held in Europe until 2000 in Rimini, Italy (later changed to Florence (docmaster)), the European Association of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics has now been formed. At a meeting in Verona in March this year, the statutes of the Association, modelled on the European Federation of Pharmacological Societies, were agreed upon and in particular its aims have been established.
- promoting the use of clinical pharmacological services in healthcare delivery
- improving and harmonising the teaching of the rational use of drugs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
- contributing with clinical pharmacological expertise to state policy decisions regarding the regulation of drugs in Europe
- arranging scientific meetings, workshops and courses in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in Europe
- utilizing the skills of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in counteracting misuse of prescriptions drugs and other chemical substances
- promoting problem and patient-orientated drug information about medicines for physicians and other health professionals
- increasing the input of clinical pharmacological skills in the evaluation of drugs;
- promoting high professional standards in the prescribing of drugs
- promoting high ethical standards in clinical drug research
- promoting the exchange of opinions in individual countries with regards to existing differences in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
- encouraging collaboration with other agencies interested in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics e.g. WHO, European Regulatory Network, IUPHAR
The Association has as its members, national societies or sections of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics in the European Region. In this context, Europe is defined as by the WHO to include Russia (to the Urals), Turkey and Israel. The Association will have the power to co-opt individual members where no national society or section exits.
We hope the Association will lead to further development of CPT in all European countries. Anyone wishing to have further information or to offer help is invited to contact any of the above named.