Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) , Austria
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Thomas Grießbacher
- Markus Zeitlinger
- President
- Akos Heinemann
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Dagmar Stoiber-Sakaguchi
- Treasurer
- Michael Pohl
Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology, Belgium
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Jan De Hoon
- Secretary General
- President
- Wim Martinet
- Board Members
- Treasurer
Pharmacologist and Toxicologist Society from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHFiT) , Bosnia and Herzegovinia
- Delegates to the Council
- Aida Kulo Cesic
- Secretary General
- Aida Kulo Cesic
- President
- Aida Kulo Cesic
- Board Members
Bulgarian Association for Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (BSCPT) , Bulgaria
- Delegates to the Council
- Emil Gatchev
- President
- Emil Gatchev
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Croatian Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (HDKFiT) , Croatia
- Delegates to the Council
- Dinko Vitezic
- Robert Likic
- President
- Dinko Vitezic
- Vice President
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Czech Society of Clinical Pharmacology (CSCP) , Czech Republic
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Ivana Kacirova
- Karel Urbanek
- President
- Ivana Kacirova
- Vice President
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Karel Urbanek
- Treasurer
Danish Society of Clinical Pharmacology (DSKF) , Denmark
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Troels Bergmann
- Rasmus Huan Olsen
- President
- Samuel Azuz
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Boris Milijasevic
- Treasurer
- Kenneth Skov
Estonian Society of Pharmacology (EFS) , Estonia
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Anti Kalda
- President
- Alar Irs
- Board Members
- Treasurer
Finnish Society of Clinical Pharmacology (FSCP) , Finland
- Delegates to the Council
- Maija Kaukonen
- Janne Backman
- President
- Mikko Niemi
- Vice President
- Miia Turpeinen
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Minna Lehtisalo
- Treasurer
- Mikael Piha
French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT) , France
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Dominique Deplanque
- Florian Naudet
- Florentia Kaguelidou
- Secretary General
- Nicolas Picard
- President
- Dominique Deplanque
- Board Members
- Treasurer
- Frédéric Libert
Georgian Society of Pharmacology, Georgia
- Delegates to the Council
- Zaza Chapichadza
- Board Members
German Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy (DGKliPha) , Germany
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Renke Maas
- Julia Stingl
- Stefan Engeli
- President
- Ingolf Cascorbi
- Vice President
- Renke Maas
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Greek Society of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (EEΦ) , Greece
- Delegates to the Council
- Vangelis Manolopoulos
- George Papazisis
- President
- Ioanna Andreadou
- Vice President
- Vangelis Manolopoulos
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Antonis Goulas
- Treasurer
- George Papazisis
Hungarian Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (HUPHAR) , Hungary
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Istvan Takac
- Denes Pall
- President
- Peter Ferdinandy
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Yana Chekalarova
- Treasurer
- Ljubomir Marinov
Irish Association of Pharmacologists (IAP) , Ireland
Website- Delegates to the Council
- David Williams
- President
- Monica de Gaetano
- Board Members
- Secretary
Israel Society of Clinical Pharmacology, Israel
- Delegates to the Council
- Daniel Kurnik
- President
- Lee Goldstein
- Board Members
Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) , Italy
- Delegates to the Council
- Annalisa Capuano
- Luca Gallelli
- President
- Giuseppe Cirino
- Vice President
- Board Members
- Secretary
Professional Association of Clinical Pharmacologists and Pharmacists (PACPP) , Republic of Kazakhstan
- Delegates to the Council
- Nurgul Aldiyarova
- President
- Raisa Kuzdenbaeva
- Board Members
- Secretary
[No sufficient data at the moment]
Lithuanian Society of Clinical Pharmacology (LSCP) , Lithuania
- Delegates to the Council
- Simona Stankeviciute
- President
- Board Members
Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmacy (NVKFB) , The Netherlands
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Kees Kramers Noortje Swart
- Teun van Gelder
- Gerard Rongen
- President
- Noortje Swart
- Vice President
- Ron Mathijssen
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Carina Bethlehem
- Treasurer
- E. van Hoogdalem
Norwegian Association of Clinical Pharmacology (NFKF) , Norway
- Delegates to the Council
- Mimi Stokke Opdal
- Silje Skrede
- President
- Joachim Frost
- Board Members
- Treasurer
Portuguese Society of Clinical Pharmacology, Portugal
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Fernando Magro
- President
- Maria José Diogenes
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Romanian Society of Pharmacology (Societatea Română de Farmacologie) (SRF) , Romania
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Prof. Dr. Lorena Dima
- Dr. Octavia Sabin
- President
- Prof. Anca Dana Buzoianu MD, PhD
- Board Members
- Prof. Daliborca Vlad MD, PhD, Prof. Cristina Mogoșan PD, PhD, Gabriela Cioca MD, PhD, Prof. Mihai Nechifor MD, PhD
Slovak Society of Clinical Pharmacology (Slovenská spoločnosť klinickej farmakológie) (SSCP - in Slovak: SSKF) , Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Helena Glasová
- President
- Jozef Glasa
- Board Members
Spanish Society of Clinical Pharmacology (SEFC) , Spain
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Caridad Pontes Garcia
- Joaquin Saez
- Concepción Payares
- President
- Antònia Agustí Escasany
- Vice President
- Emilio Vargas Castrillón
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Pedro Zapater
- Treasurer
- Joaquin Saez
Swedish Society for Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFKF) , Sweden
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Arne Reimers
- Isabella Ehkeden
- President
- Stig Jacobsson
- Vice President
- Anna Segerman
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Ludvig Petersson
Swiss Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSCPT) , Switzerland
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Haithem Chtioui
- Caroline Samer
- President
- Alexander Jetter
- Vice President
- Caroline Samer
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Stefan Weiler
- Treasurer
- Felix Hammann
Section for Clinical Pharmacology -Dr Srdjan Djani Markovic - Serbian Medical Society (SCPSMS) , Serbia
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Slobodan Janković
- Boris Milijašević
- President
- Dragana Maca A Kastratovic
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Boris Milijašević
- Treasurer
- Snezana Milutinovic
Türk Farmakoloji Derneği | Turkish Pharmacological Society (TFD | TPS) , Turkey
Website- Delegates to the Council
- President
- Professor Alper B. İSKİT
- Vice President
- Professor Bilgen BAŞGUT
- Board Members
- Secretary
- Assoc. Professor Gökçen TELLİ
- Treasurer
- Assoc. Professor Gökçe Sevim ÖZTÜRK FİNCAN
- Councilor
- Professor Alper OKYAR; Professor Bilgen KAYGISIZ; Assoc. Professor R. Nalan TİFTİK
British Pharmacological Society (BPS) , United Kingdom
Website- Delegates to the Council
- Jamie Coleman
- Lauren Walker
- Reecha Sofat
- President
- Professor Sir Mark Caulfield
- Vice President
- Professor Reecha Sofat
- Board Members
- President-Elect
- Professor