Clinical Pharmacology traineeship in Europe. A time to act
Core competencies in Clinical Pharmacology (CP) education are well established but poorly harmonized within European National training programmes. At the same time, opportunities for career development in CP differ to some extent in different countries in Europe. Important concerns regarding pregraduate and postgraduate training need to be raised by CP trainees and addressed in a collaborative approach. Answering to this emerging call for action, the EACPT decided to organize a pre-Congress Meeting to stimulate the international exchange of experiences and collaboration of CP trainees and senior members of the Association, in a bilateral dialogue. The meeting was organized in June 26-27th, 2015 in Madrid. CP trainees were the main actors of this meeting, whereby making their voices audible and addressing their main concerns on CP education and career development to Senior Leader of the EACPT. The creation of a working group of CP trainees was proposed during the discussion, in response to the concerns discussed.
The group of Early Career Clinical Pharmacologists is composed of a core group of active young professionals, working in the following areas:
- Education
- Mobility
- Networking
Relevant interactions
Besides, the working group is also collaborating with the ‘Clinical Research’ working group, to facilitate mobility and collaboration between young and senior investigators in Clinical Pharmacology. More specifically, activity is focused on the following initiatives:
- Improvement of mobility of young investigators between countries and research centres
- Improvement of collaboration between research centres in clinical pharmacology
We are now recruiting active colleagues for our joint initiative. We are convinced that the results of this project will be truly useful to foster the participation of young professionals in the activities of Clinical Pharmacology. Moreover, this active participation has a profound impact on young professionals´ visibility at an international level. It is time to work together. It is A TIME TO ACT! Therefore, please contact the following representatives to be included in the working group: