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CPT Education Links



4CP stands for 4ClinicalPharmacology; it’s a free email service that brings you a monthly update of published abstracts of original articles, trials and reviews in 4 prominent journals in clinical pharmacology covering PK/PD including therapeutic drug monitoring, education, drug adherence, novel drugs, drug safety and more

– Education research: 

Completed PhD theses (Netherlands) 

RECIPE is established by the section Pharmacotherapy, embedded in the department of Internal Medicine of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Curriculum materials: 

National Prescribing Curriculum (Australia)

The National Prescribing Curriculum (NPC) is a series of case-based modules that mirror the decision-making process outlined in the World Health Organisation’s Guide to Good Prescribing. The NPC emphasis is on learners building their own formulary of preferred drugs for specific conditions, enabling them to prescribe confidently and rationally.

Teaching materials:


Clinical pharmacology encompasses all aspects of the relationship between drugs and humans. For healthcare professionals, clinical pharmacology is important because it is the scientific discipline that underpins the rational prescribing of medicines to alleviate symptoms, treat illness and prevent future disease. Medicines contain drugs (the specific chemical substances with pharmacological effects), either alone or in combination, in a formulation mixed with other ingredients. The beneficial effects of medicines must be weighed against potential adverse drug reactions and interactions, often caused by injudicious prescribing decisions and by prescribing errors, and their cost

Teaching Resource Centre (TRC) Pharmacology Database

The Teaching Resource Centre (TRC) Pharmacology Database is a teaching website for medical students at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The TRC is a cooperation between the LUMC and the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR). Access is free but requires registration.

Reusable Learning Objects (University of Nottingham)

Reusable learning object in all subjects including pharmacology. Freely accessible.

NIH Clinical Center: Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

The course on “Principles of Clinical Pharmacology” consists of a weekly lecture series covering the fundamentals of clinical pharmacology as a translational scientific discipline focused on rational drug development and utilization in therapeutics.

e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)

e-LfH is an award winning e-learning programme run by the UK Department of Health providing national, quality assured online training content for the healthcare profession. The e-LfH site contains e-lerarning resources relevant to most areas of medicine users can register free if they work or train in the NHS.

Pharmacology Corner

The aim of this website is to gather educational resources targeted to healthcare professionals that are freely available on the web, for a better understanding of pharmacology. It contains a variety of free pharmacology learning resources and self-assessment MCQs.

Medical Pharmacology

A pharmacology and disease-based integrated teaching site is based on reference materials with content relevant to most areas of clinical pharmacology and plenty of MCQs.

Interactive Clinical Pharmacology

The site has been designed to increase understanding of important and sometimes difficult concepts and principles in Clinical Pharmacology. It is not intended to be comprehensive for all aspects of Clinical Pharmacology teaching. It has been developed using Macromedia Flash to enable user interaction. The site is for any student or practitioner requiring Clinical Pharmacology knowledge, e.g. undergraduate and post-graduate students in medicine, pharmacy and pharmacology. A basic understanding of physiology and pharmacology is assumed. Access is free and it contains some fantastic interactive resources.

GlaxoWellcome Pharmacology Guide

The Pharmacology Guide is a quick reference guide to most of the important terms and concepts of pharmacology. It is not a substitute for standard textbooks, but it will act as an aide-memoire for the student who encounters the terms in the scientific literature or in exam revision. It will also help pharmacologists just starting a career in research.


This website provides educational support for the healthcare professions in Northern Ireland. You must register on the first occasion you use the site, thereafter you need only sign in. To register for the site you will need an email address and any unique identifier. The site provides a wealth of e-Learning and assessment materials.