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Donald Singer

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Donald Singer

Professor Donald Singer


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Professor Singer is Co-Opt of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics and a member of the Council of the British Pharmacological Society.

He is an active clinician and is interested in drug discovery, vascular mechanisms and non-invasive biomarkers important for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, and improving safety and effectiveness in use of medicines. Professor Singer is also interested in promoting better public understanding of new treatments, and the benefits and risks of medicines.

Donald Singer is foundation holder of the Chair of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the Graduate Medical School at Warwick University where he founded the Clinical Sciences Division in April 2003. Professor Singer trained in Medicine in Aberdeen in Scotland and moved in 1982 to London. He worked initially at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School at the Hammersmith Hospital, moving for his research work to Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School and then to St George?s Hospital Medical School where he also held a joint appointment with Sir Magdi Yacoub in the Heart Science Centre of the Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute.

His MD work examined interactions between the renin-angiotensin system and the vaso-active and natriuretic family of cardiac peptides in relation to blood pressure, heart failure and vascular disease. He also studied genetic mechanisms for cardiovascular and renal disease. In 1997 he founded the Cardiovascular Research Group (CRG) at St George?s Medical School, which included 60 senior researchers and a further 100 researchers interested in basic science, clinical sciences and research in the community. He was inaugural chair of the CRG from 1997-2002. As London Hypertension Society chair from 1990-2002, he organised annual national and international workshops on a wide range of aspects of cardiovascular disease.

He was the Academic Co-ordinator for the 2006 AC21 (Academic Consortium for the 21st Century) International Forum on Universities, Innovation and the Global Age hosted in July 2006 by Warwick University www.warwick.ac.uk/go/ac21 . Since 2005, he has hosted a series of International Symposia on Personalised Medicines. He has over 120 research, editorial and review publications and has given seminars and lectures at a wide range of international institutions and conferences in the USA, throughout Europe and in Australia, North Africa and South-East Asia.

In November 2009, with Michael Hulse he founded the Hippocrates Initiative. The annual Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine has attracted since its launch over 4000 entries from 44 countries, and has received the 2011 Times Higher Education Excellence and Innovation Award. He is President of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, publisher of the Postgraduate Medical Journal and of Health Policy and Technology. He is also Honorary Fellow of the Finnish Society for Internal Medicine and the European Society for Internal Medicine. He is a co-author of Pocket Prescriber, with over 100,000 copies in circulation since 2004.
