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Welcome to the homepage of the EACPT Education Sub-Committee (EsC). Prescribing medicines is a fundamental skill for most doctors. Medicines are the commonest form of therapeutic intervention to improve health but also the commonest cause of iatrogenic disease. Safe and effective use of medicines should be underpinned by a good education in the principles of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, both within medical schools and during postgraduate studies. The stated aims of EACPT within its statutes include ‘improving and harmonising the teaching of the rational use of drugs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels’ and ‘promoting high professional standards in the prescribing of drugs’.
The aim of the EACPT Education sub-Committee (EsC) is to support the improvement of undergraduate and post graduate CPT teaching in Europe and, in this way, contribute to an increase in the number of effective, safe and efficient prescribers, and the number of high quality CPT teachers and researchers. The EsC will achieve this aim by five main projects:
–Developing and supporting research on CPT education
–Creating a network of European Teachers in Therapeutics (NETT)
–Meetings on CPT education
–CPT education electronic materials on postgraduate training
–This section of the EACPT website will provide you with more information about these projects and who is involved in them.
If you are interested in improving education about clinical pharmacology and therapeutics then why not get in touch with us and tell us about your work?