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Professor Stéphane Laurent, MD, PhD, FESC, France
Stephane LAURENT’s research interests concern the clinical pharmacology of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Stephane LAURENT is internationally recognized as leading researcher in the field of the clinical investigation and pharmacology of large arteries, where he developed novel measurement methods and concepts related to arterial stiffness and remodeling, central pulse pressure, and target organ damage. He has been early convinced that innovation in clinical pharmacology in the domain of the arterial system should be strongly associated with the development of novel measurement methods in order to obtain a precise description of the arterial phenotype, leading to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the arterial disease, thus suggesting novel cellular and molecular targets. This strategy required a multidisciplinary approach, from basic research to epidemiology and medium-size to large RCTs (including the PERICLES, CELIMENE, DAPHNET, BBEST, EXPLOR, Vascular Mechanisms, and SPARTE studies) with a special input on technological development. Stephane LAURENT has developed the concept of Early Vascular Aging (EVA), for early detection of subjects at high CV risk and thus, early pharmacological treatment.
exc. from the 2nd nomination letter. You will find the document as a PDF download below.
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[wm_item title=”Nomination Letter”]
Dear Colleagues,
The French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT) wishes to support the application of Stéphane Laurent for the Lifetime Achievement in Clinical Pharmacology Prize 2017.
Stéphane Laurent works currently as the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology in the Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou in Paris, as the head of INSERM U 970, team 7 in the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC). He is professor of Pharmacology in the Paris Descartes Medical School.
Professor Laurent’s research interests concern the arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, clinical investigation and pharmacology of large arteries (arterial stiffness, central pulse pressure, carotid intima-media thickness, and endothelial dysfunction).
During the last 30 years, his group has worked in the field of arterial disease and their pharmacological treatments. The general aim was to provide novel pharmacological treatment for preventing the complications of polygenic or monogenic arterial disease. This was based on a precise description of the arterial phenotype, leading to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the arterial disease, thus suggesting novel cellular and molecular targets. It required a multidisciplinary approach, from basic research to epidemiology and medium-size to large RCTs (including the PERICLES, CELIMENE, DAPHNET, BBEST, EXPLOR, and Vascular Mechanisms Study) with a special input on technological development. Stephane Laurent has developed the concept of Early Vascular Aging (EVA), for early detection of subjects at high CV risk and thus, early pharmacological treatment.
Professor Laurent has been early convinced that the European Union was a unique opportunity for developing research networks, launching collaborative studies and spreading knowledge. He served as President of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) (2007-2009) and President of the ARTERY Society (2010-2012), where he promoted research in clinical pharmacology.
Professor Laurent was co-author of the 2007 and 2013 ESH-ESC Guidelines for the management of Hypertension, and the 2009 ESH document on the reappraisal of hypertension guidelines.
He is the author of over 360 referenced articles and 20 chapters in books. His “h” index is 63 (Web of Science), 70 (Google Scholar), and the total number of citations of his articles is higher than 23,000. Professor Laurent has delivered more than 350 invited lectures at international venues. He recently received the prestigious “Bjorn Folkow” Award of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH), the “Life Time Achievement Award” of the Pulse of Asia Society (POA), the “Mac Donald Lecture” Award of the ARTERY Society, and delivered the 12th Heymans Memorial Lecture at the Heymans Institute-University of Gent.
On behalf of the members of the SFPT, I warmly hope that his application will seduce the EACPT Council.
My best regards,
Silvy Laporte, Chair of the SFPT
St. Etienne
10 October 2016
view original nomination letter by SFTP | 2nd nomination letter by the Paris-Descartes University
[wm_item title=”Curriculum Vitae”]
Stéphane LAURENT
Born April 16, 1953, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, 92200, France
Title and/or Degrees
Professor, MD, PhD, FESC
Professor of Pharmacology, Paris Descartes Medical School
Hypertension Specialist
Current positions
Head, Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
Head, INSERM U 970, team 7, Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC)
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
20 Rue Leblanc, 75015, Paris
Tel. 00 33 1 56 09 39 91, Fax 00 33 1 56 09 39 92
Medical and University Career | |
1978-1983 | Resident Internal Medicine and Cardiology, University Hospitals, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris |
1983 | Medical Doctor (M.D.) University of Paris |
1983-1984 | Research fellow, Cardiovascular Division (Prof. T.W. Smith), Harvard Medical School – Brigham and Women Hospital, Boston, USA. |
1984-1987 | Assistant Professor in Pharmacology University of Paris |
1984 | Specialist in Cardiology |
1987-1991 | Associate Professor of Pharmacology, University of Paris |
1989 | Ph.D. in Pharmacology, University of Paris |
1991-now | Full Professor of Pharmacology, Paris-Descartes University, affiliated to Broussais Hospital then Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou (HEGP) (Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris) |
1999 (May-July) | Visiting professor, Harvard Medical School (Prof. V. Dzau and R Pratt) |
1999-2000 | Head, INSERM Unit U337 |
2000-2006 | Head, INSERM EMI U 0107: “Biomechanics and pharmacology of the arterial wall.” |
2003-now | Head, Department of Pharmacology, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris |
2006-2009 | Head, INSERM Unit U872, team 1: “Mechanics and pharmacology of the arterial wall” |
2009-now | Head, INSERM Unit U970, team 7: “Pathophysiology, pharmacology and imaging of the arterial wall” |
Memberships | |
American Heart Association (AHA) | |
Artery Society | |
Council for High Blood Pressure Research-AHA | |
European Society of Cardiology (FESC-Fellow of the ESC) | |
European Society of Hypertension (ESH) | |
European Council for Cardiovascular Research (ECCR) | |
French Society of Cardiology (SFC) | |
French Society of Hypertension (SFHTA) | |
French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT) | |
International Society of Hypertension (ISH). | |
Honorary Membership | |
1998 | Bulgarian Society of Cardiology |
2010 | Czech Society of Hypertension |
2010 | Ukrainian Society of Hypertension |
2012 | Hungarian Society of Hypertension |
2014 | Portuguese Society of Hypertension |
2016 | Polish Society of Hypertension |
Awards and fellowships | |
1981 | Research fellowship from the French Delegation for Research |
1983 | Research fellowship from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1984 | Research fellowship from the Harvard Arthur Sachs Foundation |
1987 | “Hypertension” Award from the French Society of Hypertension |
1989 | “Hypertension” Award from the French Committee for Hypertension Research |
1998 | “Irbesartan Research Award”, Bristol-Myers Squibb Laboratories. |
2000 | “Lecturer of the year”, Belgium Society of Hypertension |
2009 | F.E.S.C., Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology |
2011 | “Prime d’Excellence Scientifique – PES”, Université Paris-Descartes |
2012 | “Paul Milliez” Award, European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and SFHTA (Société Française d’Hypertension Artérielle) |
2013 | “Bjorn Folkow” Award, European Society of Hypertension (ESH) |
2014 | “Life Time Achievement Award”, Pulse of Asia Society – POA |
2014 | “Mac Donald Lecture” Award, ARTERY Society |
2015 | 12th Heymans Memorial Lecture, Heymans Institute, University of Gent |
2016 | “Robert Reneman” Lecture, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht |
2017 | “Robert Tigerstedt” Award, Finnish Society of Hypertension |
Honorary Professorship at international university | |
Adjunct Professor at Southern University of Denmark (2013-now) | |
Editorial Board | |
Artery Research (Deputy Editor), Blood Pressure, Journal of Hypertension (Associate Editor), Hypertension | |
Referee for journals | |
American Journal of Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Artery Research, Blood Pressure, British Journal of Pharmacology, British Medical Journal, Cardiovascular Research, Clinical Science, Circulation, Diabetes Care, Drugs, European Journal of Pharmacology, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Hypertension, Hypertension, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine. | |
Member, Executive Committee of International Scientific Societies | |
1997-2001 | YIIM: Young Investigator Initiative Meeting, European Society of Hypertension |
1997-2002 | ECCR: European Council for Cardiovascular Research |
2005-2013 | Member, Council of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) |
2007-2009 | President, European Society of Hypertension (ESH) |
2006-2010 | Vice-President, ARTERY Society |
2010-2012 | President, ARTERY Society |
Member, Executive Committee of National Scientific Societies | |
1989-2002 | Assessor, French Medicines Agency (Afssaps), French Ministry of Health |
1989-1998 | Foundation for Medical Research (Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale) |
1994-1998 | INSERM, Committee for heart, vessels, hemostasis and lipids |
1995-1999 | Rencontres Nationales de Pharmacologie Clinique-GIENS (Gen. Sec., then President) |
1999-2002 | French Society of Hypertension (Vice-President, then President) |
2002-2004 | French National Program for CV Research (PNRC) |
2004-2010 | GRRC (Groupe de Réflexion et de Recherche Cardiovasculaire) |
2008-now | French Foundation for Research in Hypertension (FRHTA) |
2013-now | French National University Council (CNU). |
Member of Working Groups of International Scientific | |
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of international scientific meetings | |
2004 | Chairman, Scientific Committee, 14° ESH Meeting, Paris, June 13-17, 2004, France (8000 attendees) |
2005 | Chairman, 5Th ARTERY meeting, Paris, September 30-Oct 2005, France (200 attendees) |
2008 | Chairman, 1st ESH Intensive Master Course on Hypertension, Paris, March 14, France, (150 attendees) |
2011 | Vice-Chairman, 11Th ARTERY meeting, Paris, October 13-15, France (400 attendees) |
2004 | Vice-Chairman, 26° ESH Meeting, Paris, June 2016, France (3100 attendees) |
Teaching activities (national) | |
1987-now | Teaching courses on cardiovascular pharmacology at Paris-Descartes University |
2004-now | Teaching courses on clinical pharmacology, drug development and methodology of clinical trials at Paris Descartes Medical School, School of Pharmacy and University of Sciences |
2004-now | Master courses on the pharmacology of the arterial system at
Teaching activities (international) | |
2005-2015 | Master courses on “Arterial hypertension and cardiovascular risk factors”, organized by the European Society of Hypertension – ESH, during both Winter Schools and Summer Schools, in several countries, including France. |
2008-2015 | Intensive Master Course on Hypertension, organized in Paris (2008), Prague (2009), Krakow (2009), Valencia (2010), Prague (2014) and Gdansk (2015) |
2012-2016 | Annual Master Course on « Early Vascular Aging », organized by Prof. Pedro Cunha, Minho University, Portugal |
2013-2015 | Annual Master Course on « Arterial structure and function », organized par Prof. Michael Olsen, University of Southern Denmark – USD |
[wm_item title=”Publications”]
Publications and peer-reviewed papers
- More than 350 publications in English peer-reviewed journals, including more than 250 original articles in: American Journal of Cardiology, American Heart Journal, American Journal of Hypertension, American Journal of Physiology, British Journal of Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Research, Circulation, Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics, Circulation Research, Clinical Research, Drugs, European Journal of Pharmacology, Hypertension, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Cardiology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Hypertension, Journal of Vascular Research, Lancet, Neurology, PNAS, Stroke […]
- More than 20 book chapters in English textbooks
- More than 50 articles, reviews or book chapters in French
- More than 300 invited lectures at International Meetings
Total number of citations: 22 990
Index h: 63
Oct 17, 2016; ISI web of Science, AU=laurent s* and AD=paris
download complete list of publications
- 1981
- Simmoneau G, Deanjan A, Raffestin B, Meyniard O, Laurent S, Meignan M, Harf A. Improved pulmonary gaz exchange caused by Almitrine in chronic airway obstruction ; stimulation of ventilation versus change in Va/Q ratios. Am Rev Resp Disease, 123, 88, 1981.
- Simon AC, Levenson J, Laurent S, Safar M. Estimation of forearm arterial compliance in essential hypertension ; preliminary report. Clinical Science 63, S87, 1981.
- 1983
- Laurent S, Schmitt H. Central cardiovascular effect of kappa agonists dynorphin and ethylketocyclazocine in the anaesthetized rat. European Journal of Pharmacology, 96, 165, 1983.
- Simon AC, Laurent S, Levenson J, Bouthier J, Safar M. Estimation of forearm arterial compliance in normal and hypertensive men from simultaneous pressure and flow measurements in the brachial artery, using a pulsed Doppler device and a first-order arterial model during diastole. Cardiovascular Research, 17, 331-338, 1983.
- Amar C, Vilkas E, Laurent S, Gautret B, Schmitt H. Synthesis and biological properties of a new enkephalin analog Trans-4-hydroxy-cinamol-glycyl-glycyl-phenylalanl-leucine. International Journal of Peptides and Protein Research 22, 434-436, 1983.
- 1985
- Laurent S, Kim D, Smith TW, Marsch JD. Inotropic effect, binding properties and Ca flux effects of the calcium-channel agonist CGP 28392 in intact cultured embryonic chick ventricular cells. Circulation Research, 56, 676-682, 1985.
- Laurent S, Smith TW, Marsh JD. Enkephalins have a direct positive inotropic effect on cultured cardiac myocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), USA, 82, 5930-5934, 1985.
- London GM, Guerin AP, Laurent S, London AM, Safar ME. Cardiopulmonary blood volume and plasma renin activity in man preliminary report. Journal of Hypertension, 3, S121-S123, 1985.
- 1986
- Laurent S, Marsh JD, Smith TW. Enkephalins increase cyclic Adenosine monophosphate content, calcium uptake and contractile state in cultured chick embryo heart cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 77, 1436-1440, 1986.
- Laurent S, London G, Safar M. Increased sensitivity of brachial artery to subpressor doses of norepinephrine in patients with essential hypertension : preliminary report. Journal of Hypertension, 4 (suppl 6) : S237-S239, 1986.
- Safar ME, Laurent S, Bouthier JA, London GM. Comparative effects of Captopril and Isosorbide dinitrate on the arterial wall of hypertensive human brachial arteries. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 8 : 1257-1261, 1986.
- Safar ME, Laurent S, London GM, Bouthier JA, Mimram A. Effects of converting enzyme inhibitors on hypertensive large arteries in humans. Journal of Hypertension, 4 (suppl 5) : S285-S289, 1986.
- Safar ME, Bouthier JA, Laurent S, Simon ACh. Captopril and common carotid blood flow in patients with essential hypertension : a review. Post Graduate Medical Journal, 62 (suppl 1) : 31-33, 1986
- Benetos A, Safar ME, Laurent S, Bouthier JA, Lagneau PLHugue C. Common carotid blood flow in patients with hypertension and stenosis of the internal carotid artery. Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 1, 44-54, 1986.
- Safar M, London G, Bouthier JA, Hugue CJ, Laurent S. An indirectapproach for the study of the elastic modulus of the brachial artery in men with essential hypertension. Cardiovascular Research, 20, 563-567, 1986.
- 1987
- Laurent S, Girerd X, Tsoukaris-Kupfer D, Legrand M,Huchet-Brisac AM, Schmitt H. Opposite central cardiovascular effects of nifedipine and BAY K 8644 in anaesthetized rats. Hypertension, 9 : 132-138, 1987.
- Brisac AM, Huguet F, Montastruc JL, Lucet B, Champeroux P, Gerard P,Laurent S, Schmitt H. Central interactions between dihydropyridines and cholinergic systems in the control of blood pressure ni rat. Brain Research, 435 : 160-166, 1987.
- Laurent S, Hannaert PA, Girerd XJ, Safar ME, Garay R. Chronic treatment with canrenones potentiates the acute pressor effects of ouabain in essential hypertensives patients. Journal of Hypertension, 5 (suppl 5) : S173-S175, 1987.
- Laurent S, London G, Marchais S, Pannier B, Safar M. Vascular compliance in hypertension : therapeutic implications. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 10 (suppl 5) : S108-S111, 1987.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Pannier B, London G. Structural and functionnal modifications of peripheral large arteries in hypertensive patients. Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 3 : 360-367, 1987.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Safavian A, Pannier B, London G. Pulse pressure in sustained essential hypertension : a hemodynamic study. Journal of Hypertension 5 : 213-218, 1987.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Asmar R, Safavian A, London G. Systolic hypertension in patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans of the lower limbs. Angeiology, 38 : 287-295, 1987.
- Safar ME, Laurent S, Asmar RA, Hugue CJ, London GM. Cardiac hypertrophy and aortic distensibility in essential hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 10 (suppl 6) : S86-S90, 1987.
- London GM, Pannier BP, Laurent S, Safar ME. Consequences of positional manoeuvres on plasma renin activity and small and large arteries in hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 5 (suppl 5) : S427-S428, 1987.
- London GM, Weiss YA, Pannier BP, Laurent S, Safar ME. Tilt test in essential hypertension : Differential responses in heart rate and vascular resistance. Hypertension, 10 : 29-34, 1987.
- Weiss YA, Fournier V, Pannier B, Laurent S, Safar M. Hemodynamic effects of the antihypertensive agent ketanserin in hypertension in man. Acta Cardiologica, 1987,5:329-337.
- Safar ME, London GM, Safavian A, Laurent S, Pannier B. Changes in arterial distensibility produced by converting enzyme inhibitors in hypertensive humans. Clin Exp Ther Practice, 1987;A9, 289-295.
- Safar ME, London GM, Bouthier JA, Levenson JA, Laurent S. Brachial artery cross-sectional area and distensibility before and after arteriolar vasodilatation in men with sustained essential hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology ,1987;9:734-742.
- 1988
- Briand V, Laurent S, Tsoukaris-Kupfer D, Legrand M, Brisac AM, Schmitt H. Central and peripheral cardiovascular effects of the enantiomers of the calcium channel blockers PN 200-110 in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 150 : 43-50, 1988.
- Briand V, Laurent S, Vaxelaire JF, Micheli L, Auclair HC, Schmitt H. Relative negative inotropic effects of nine calcium channel blockers in cultured heart cell. Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie, 295 : 125-127, 1988.
- Vaxelaire JF, Laurent S, Briand V, Michel JB, Schmitt H. Atrial natriuretic peptide decreases contractility of cultured heart cell : preliminary report. Journal of Hypertension, 6 (suppl 4) : S282-S283, 1988.
- Lacolley P, Laurent S, Tsoucaris-Kupfer D, Legrand M, Brisac AM, Schmitt H. Central modulation of baroreflex response to phenylephrine by dihydropyridines in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension, 12 : 279-286, 1988.
- Champeroux P, Brisac AM, Laurent S, Schmitt H. Endogenous opiate system and dihydropyridine-induced central regulation of sympathetic tone in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 158 : 157-160, 1988.
- Brisac AM, Champeroux P, Lucet B, Laurent S, Schmitt H. Central and peripheral hypotensive effects of the optical isomers of nicardipine, a dihydropyridine calcium channel antagonists, in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 146 : 171-174, 1988.
- Laurent S, Lacolley P, London G, Safar M. Hemodynamics of the common carotid artery before and after vasodilatation in essential hypertension. Hypertension, 11 : 134-140, 1988.
- Laurent S, Juillerat L, London GM, Nussberger J, Brunner H, Safar ME. Increased response of brachial artery diameter to norepinephrine in hypertensive patients. American Journal of Physiololy, 255 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 24) : H36-H43, 1988.
- Laurent S, Brunel P, Lacolley P, Billaud E, Pannier B, Safar M. Flow-dependent vasodilation of the brachial artery in essential hypertension : preliminary report. Journal of Hypertension, 6 (suppl 4) : S182-S184, 1988.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Safavian A, Pannier B, Asmar R. Sodium and large arteries in hypertension : effect of Indapamide. American Journal of Medicine, 84 (suppl 1 B) : 15-19, 1988.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Benetos A, London GM. The common carotid circulation in patients with essential hypertension. Stroke, 19 : 1198-1202, 1988.
- London GM, Pannier BP, Laurent S, Weiss YA, Safar M. Difference in response of vascular resistance to orthostatism in patients with borderline and sustained essential hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, 1 : 110S-112S, 1988.
- London GM, Safar ME, Weiss YA, Laurent S, London AM. Renal and systemic hemodynamics on borderline hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, 1 : 127S-130S, 1988.
- Asmar RG, Pannier B, Santoni JPh, Laurent S, London GM, Levy BI Safar ME. Reversion of cardiac hypertrophy and reduced arterial compliance after converting enzyme inhibition in essential hyeprtension. Circulation, 78 : 941-950, 1988.
- Lacolley P, Pannier B, Levy B, Laurent S, London G, Safar M. Non-invasive ultrasonic study of maximal aortic blood acceleration in patients with borderline and sustained essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 6 (suppl 4) : S104-S106, 1988.
- Safar ME, Toto-Moukouo JJ, Asmar RJ, Laurent S. Increased pulse pressure in patients with arteriosclerosis obliterans of the lower limb. Arteriosclerosis, 7 : 232-237, 1987.
- Safar M, Asmar R, Bouthier J, Lacolley P, Laurent S. Converting enzyme inhibition and the common carotid circulation in older patients with sustained essential hypertension. Europan Heart Journal, 1988, 9(suppl D),75-78.
- 1989
- Laurent S, Brisac AM, Champeroux P, Lacolley P, Huguet F, Legrand M, Lucet B, Tsoucaris D, Briand V, Schmitt H. Central cardiovascular effects of dihydropyridines on spontaneously hypertensive rats. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, 3 : 47S-56S, 1989.
- Briand V, Laurent S, Schmitt H. Interaction between isoproterenol and dihydropyridines in heart cells. European Journal of Pharmacology. 166 : 339-343, 1989.
- Vaxelaire JF, Laurent S, Briand V, Schmitt H. Atrial natriuretic factor decreases contractility in cultured chick heart cells. Life Science, 45 : 41-48, 1989.
- Martin P, Laurent S, Massol J, Childs M, Puech A. Effects of dihydropyrines drugs on reversal by imipramine of helpless behavior in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology. 162 : 185-188, 1989.
- Concas V, Laurent S, Brisac AM, Perret C, Safar M. Endothelin has potent direct inotropic and chronotropic effects in cultured heart cells. Journal of Hypertension, 7 (suppl 6) : S96-S97, 1989.
- Champeroux P, Brisac AM, Laurent S, Schmitt H. Nicardipine decreases blood pressure and heart rate at nucleus tractus solitarii of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 14 : 694-698, 1989.
- Laurent S, Lacolley P, Billaud E, Safar M. Large and small forearm arteries of essential hypertensives are less reactive to angiotensin II than to norepinephrine. Journal of Hypertension, 7 (suppl 6) : S76-S77, 1989.
- Lacolley P, Laurent S, Billaud E, Safar M. Carotid arterial hemodynamics in hypertension : acute administration of captopril or cadralazine. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 3 : 859-863, 1989.
- Safar M, Laurent S, Pannier B, Younsi F, London G. Arterial compliance and autonomic nervous system in hypertension. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 4 (suppl 4) : S23-S28, 1989.
- Safar ME, Laurent S, London GM. The arterial system in essential hypertension, In Clinical Research in Essential Hypertension by Safar ME ed, pp. 115-133, Schattauer, 1989.
- Pannier B, Lacolley P, Laurent S, London G, Duchier J, Safar M. Effects of twenty-four hours of bed rest with head-down tilt on cardiopulmonary baroreflex control : preliminary study. Journal of hypertension, 7 (suppl 6) : S38-S39, 1989.
- London G, Pannier B, Laurent S, Safar M. Cardiopulmonary baro-reflex control of brachial artery diameter in sustained essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 7 : 879-883, 1989.
- Safar M, Pannier B, Laurent S, London G. Calcium-entry blockers and arterial compliance in hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 14 (suppl 10) : S1-S6, 1989.
- Pannier BM, Safar ME, Laurent S, London GM. Indirect, non-invasive evaluation of pressure wave transmission in essential hypertension. Angiology, 40 : 29-35, 1989.
- Isnard RN, Pannier BM, Laurent S, London GM, Diebold B, Safar ME. Pulsatile diameter and elastic modulus of the aortic arch in essential hypertension: a non invasive study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 13 : 399-405, 1989.
- London GM, Lacolley PA, Billaud E, Laurent S, Safar ME. Influence of the autonomic nervous system on brachial artery diameter and compliance in normotensive and hypertensive patients. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension and Theory and practice, A11 (suppl 1), 67-74, 1989.
- Safar ME, Soubies PhL, Safavian AM, Asmar RG, Laurent S. Anti-hypertensive therapy with uncontrolled systolic pressure and increased aortic rigidity, In : How should elderly hypertensive patients be treated ? by Omae T & Zanchetti A ed., Springer-Verlag, pp. 143-150, 1989.
- 1990
- Laurent S, Lacolley P, Brunel P, Laloux B, Pannier B, Safar M. Flow-dependent vasodilation of the brachial artery in essential hypertension. American Journal of Physiology, 258 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 27) : H1004-H1011, 1990.
- Laurent S, Lacolley PM, Cuche JL, Safar ME. Influence of diuretics on brachial artery diameter and distensibility in hypertensive patients. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 4 : 685-693, 1990.
- London GM, Laurent S, Safar ME. Autonomic nervous system and brachial artery diameter in normotensive and hypertensive patients. American Physiological Society, 5 : 125-127, 1990.
- London G, Pannier B, Laurent S, Lacolley P, Safar M. Brachial artery diameter changes associated with cardiopulmonary baroreflex activation in humans. American Journal of Physiology, 258 (Heart Circ Physiol, 27) : H773-H777, 1990.
- Safar ME, Laurent S, London GM. Beta-blockade and brachial artery hemodynamics in hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 16 (suppl 5) : S33-S35, 1990.
- Safar ME, Levy BI, Laurent S, London GM. Hypertension and the brachial system : clinical and therapeutic aspects. Journal of Hypertension 8 (suppl 7) : S113-S119, 1990.
- Asmar RG, Pannier BM, Laurent S, Benetos A, Daou J, Safar ME. Haemodynamic effects of perindopril in essential hypertension. Journal of Human Hypertension, 4 (suppl 4) : 35-44, 1990.
- 1991
- Pavoine C, Brechler V, Kervran A, Blacke P, Le-Nguyen D, Laurent S, Bataille D, Pecker F. Inotropic effects of glucagon and mini-glucagon in embryonic chick heart cells. American Journal of Physiology, 260 : C993-C999, 1991.
- Laurent S. Heterogeneous response of large arteries to vasodilators and ageing in human hypertension. Journal of Vascular Biology and Medicine 3 : 97-98, 1991.
- Arcaro G, Laurent S, Jondeau G, Hoeks A, Safar M. Stiffness of the common carotid artery in treated hypertensive patients. Journal of Hypertension. 9 : 947-954, 1991
- Girerd X, Laurent S, Pannier B, Asmar R, Safar M. Arterial distensibility and left ventricular hypertrophy in sustained essential hypertensives. American Heart Journal 122 : 1210-1214, 1991
- Arcaro G, Laurent S, Benetos A, Hoeks A, Safar M. Heterogeneous effects of nitrates on large arteries of hypertensives. Journal of Hypertension 9 (suppl 6) : S142-S143, 1991.
- Benetos A, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Safar M. Alteration in the carotid artery wall properties with ageing and high blood pressure level. Journal of Hypertension 9 (Suppl 6) : S 112-S113,1991
- Champeroux P, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Brisac AM. Central hypotensive effects of nicardipine in conscious freely moving spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension vol 13, 1991.
- 1992
- Laurent S, Arcaro G, Benetos A, Lafleche A, Hoeks A, Safar M, O’Rourke M. Mechanism of nitrate-induced improvement on arterial compliance depends on vascular territory. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 19 : 641-649, 1992.
- Laurent S, Safar M. Rilmenidine : a novel approach to first-line treatment of hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 5, 99S-105S, 1992.
- Laurent S, Safar M. Concluding remarks of the Workshop on “Functional and structural properties of large arteries” Journal of Hypertension 10 (suppl 6):S145-S146,1992
- Laurent S, Girerd X, Lacolley P, Safar M. Pulsatile changes of arterial diameter, arterial stiffness and antihypertensive therapy. Current Opinion in Cardiology 7:7589-764,1992.80
- Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Benetos A, Girerd X, Hoeks A, Safar M. Opposite effects of aging on distal and proximal large arteries in hypertensives. Journal of Hypertension 10(suppl 6):S87-S92, 1992
- Brunel P, Girerd X, Laurent S, Pannier B, Safar M. Acute changes in forearm haemodynamics produced by cigarette smoking in healthy normotensive non-smokers are not influenced by propranolol or pindolol. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 42:143-146,1992.
- Girerd X, Mourad JJ, Boutouyrie P, Safar M, Laurent S, Incompressibility of the arterial wall: a non invasive evaluation in man. J Hypertension 10 (suppl 6): S11-S114, 1992.
- Asmar RG, Benetos A, Darne B, Laurent S, Safar ME. An indirect evaluation of the effect of the autonomic nervous system following converting enzyme inhibition in hypertension. Clin Exp Hyper Theory and Practice 1992, A14 : 853-873.
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- 1993
- Laurent S., Hayoz D., Trazzi S., Boutouyrie P., Waeber B., Omboni S., Brunner H., Mancia G., Safar M. Isobaric compliance of the radial artery is increased in patients with essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension,11:89-98,1993
- Benetos A, Laurent S, Hoeks A, Boutouyrie P, Safar M. Arterial alterations with aging and high blood pressure: a noninvasive study of carotid and femoral arteries. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis. 1993;13:90-97.
- Puybasset L, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Mignon F, Billaud E, Cuche JL, Comoy E, Safar M. Effects of clonidine on plasma catecholamines nad neuropeptide Y in hypertensive patients at rest and during stress. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 1993;21:912-919.
- Dontenwill M, Molines A, Verdun A, Bricca G, Laurent S, Bousquet P. A circulating substance cross-reacting with antiimidazoline antibodies. Journal of Clinical Investigation 1993; 92: 1068-1072.
- Lacolley P, Pannier B, Cuche JL, Hermida JS, Laurent S, Maisonblanche P, Duchier J, Levy B, Safar M. Microgravity and orthostatic intolerance: carotid hemodynamics and peripheral responses. American Journal of Physiology, 264: H588-H594, 1993
- Weber KT, Brilla CB, Cleland J, Cohn JN, Hansson L, Heagerty A, Laragh J, Laurent S, Ollivier JP, Pauletto P, Pouleur H, Smits J, Bun Tan L. Cardioreparation and the concept of modulating cardiovascular structure and function. Blood Pressure, 1993, 2:6-21.
- Safar M, Laurent S. Behaviour of conduit arteries in hypertension. Clin Exp Hypertension, 1993;15:1033-1045.
- London G, Laurent S, Safar M. The autonomic nervous system and large conduit arteries. In Arterial vasodilation, Mechanisms and therapy. O’Rourke M, Safar M, Dzau V, eds.Edward Arnold, London, Melbourne, Auckland, 1993, pp 167-176.
- Safar ME, London GM, Laurent S. Hypertension and the arterial wall. High Blood Pressure, 1993, 2 (suppl 1):32-39.
- Laurent S. Mechanical stress of the arterial wall and hypertension. In: The arterial system in hypertension. M Safar and M. O’Rourke, eds. Kluwer pub., 1993, pp 5-26.
- Cuche JL, London G, Girerd X, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Safar M. Studies on the autonomic control of large arteries in human hypertension. In: Cardiovascular reflex control in health and disease. R. Hainsworth and A. Mark, WB Saunders , eds. London 1993;pp 213-234.
- 1994
- Girerd X, Mourad JJ, Acar C, Heudes D, Chiche S, Bruneval P, Mignot JP, Billaud E, Safar M, Laurent S. Noninvasive measurement of medium-sized artery intima-media thickness in humans: in vitro validation. Journal of Vascular Research, 1994;31:114-120.
- Sarria B, Zang Y, Naline E, Brisac AM, Laurent S, Cortijo J, Advenier C. The nicardipine-isoprenaline interaction in human and guinea-pig isolated airways. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 1994;8:26-33.
- Laurent S, Caviezel B, Beck L, Girerd X, Billaud E, Boutouyrie P, Hoeks A, Safar M. Carotid artery distensibility and distending pressure in hypertensive humans. Hypertension 1994;23[part 2]:878-883.
- Laurent S, Girerd X, Mourad JJ, Lacolley P, Beck L Boutouyrie P, Mignot JP, Safar M. Elastic modulus of the radial artery wall is not increased in patients with essential hypertension. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis1994,14:1223-1231.
- Laurent S. Mechanical stress as a goal for antihypertensive treatment. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology,1994, 23 (suppl 5):S35-S41.
- Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P, Girerd X., Beck L., Safar M., Laurent S. Sympathetic activation decreases radial artery compliance in humans. American Journal of Physiology 1994;267:H1368-1376.
- Yalin Y, Vassy R, Nicolas P, Perret GY, Laurent S. Antagonism between T3 and amiodarone in chicken cardiac myocytes on contractility and beta-adrenoceptors density. European Journal of Pharmacology. 1994;261:97-104.
- Martel E, Lacolley P, Champeroux P, Brisac AM, Laurent S, Cuche JL, Safar M. Early disturbance of baroreflex control of heart rate following tail suspension in conscious rat. American Journal of Physiology. 1994, 267:H2407-2412.
- Girerd X,Mourad JJ, Copie X., Moulin C, Acar C, Chiche S, Safar M, Laurent S. Non-invasive detection of an increased vascular mass in untreated hypertensive patients. American Journal of Hypertension. 1994; 7:1076-1084.
- Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P, Laurent S, London G, Safar M. Intrinsic modifications of the brachial and radial arteries in hypertensive humans. Clin Invest Med 1994,17 (suppl 2):97-106.
- 1995
- Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Girerd X, Beck L, Abergel E, Safar M. Common carotid artery distensibility and patterns of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients. Hypertension,1995;25 [part 1]:651-659.
- Lacolley P, Glaser E, Boutouyrie P, Challandes P, Mignot JP, Duriez M, Levy B, Safar M, Laurent S. In vivo aortic pressure-diameter relationship and structural changes in chronically sympathectomized rats. American Journal of Physiology 1995,296 (Heart Circ Physiol 38): H407-H416.
- Laurent S. Arterial wall hypertrophy and stiffness in essential hypertensive patients. Hypertension. 1995;26:355-362.
- Lacolley P, Bezie Y, Girerd X, Challande P, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. In situ aortic pressure-diameter relationship and structural changes in chronic sinoaortic denervated rats. Hypertension 1995;26:337-340.
- Lacolley P, Ghodsi N, Glaser E, Brisac AM, Safar ME, Laurent S. Influence of graded changes in vasomotor tone on the carotid arterial mechanics in free-moving spontaneously hypertensive rats. Bristish Journal of Pharmacology 1995; 115:1235-1244.
- Van Zwieten PA, Safar M, Laurent S, Pfaffendorf M, Hendricks MGC, Bruning TA. New insights into the role of endothelial dysfunction in hypertension. Journal of Hypertension, 1995;13:713-716.
- Glaser E, Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P, Sacunha R., Lucet B, Safar M, Laurent S. Dynamic versus static compliance of the carotid artery in living Wistar-Kyoto rats. Journal of Vascular Research 1995;32:254-265.
- Cunha R, Benetos A, Laurent S, Safar M, Asmar R. Distension capacity of the carotid artery and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Am J Hypertension 1995;8:343-352.
- Frohlich E, Safar M, Brunner H, Mancia G, Laurent S, O’Rourke M. Editorial: Structure and function of large arteries. Second workshop. Hypertension 1995;26:1.
- . Laurent S. Lacidipine : Evaluation of vascular effects. Annals of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 1995 ;1-2 : 44- 48
- Slama M, Safavian A, Tual JL, Laurent S, Safar M. Effects of antihypertensive drugs on large artery compliance. Neth J Med 1995 ;74 :162-168.
- 1996
- Girerd X, Copie X, Mourad JJ, Acar C, Mignot JP, Safar M, Laurent S. Preoperative radial artery examination using high resolution echo-tracking device. In: Vasoreactivity of human vessels. eds JN Fabiani, M Yacoub, A Carpentier. Arnette, Blackwell 1996, pp113-124.
- . Girerd X, London G, Boutouyrie P, Mourad JJ, Safar M, Laurent S. Remodeling of the radial artery in response to a chronic increase in shear stress. Hypertension 1996;27 (part 2):799-803.
- Laurent S, Vanhoutte P, Cavero I, Chabrier PE, Dupuis B, Elghozi JL, Hamon G, Janiak P, Juillet Y, Kher A, Koen R, Madonna O, Maffrand JP, Pruneau D, Thuilliez C. The arterial wall: a new pharmacological and therapeutic target. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology 1996 ;10:243-257
- Bezie Y, Menard L, Ungureanu-Longrois D, Samson I, Perret C, Mercadier JJ, Laurent S. Early expression of chicken natriuretic peptide (ChNP) mRNA in cultured chick embryo ventricular cells. European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 ;311 :241-248.
- Benetos A, Cambien F, Gautier S, Poirier O, Safar M, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Topouchian G, Asmar R. Influence of the angiotensin II AT1 receptors gene polymorphism on the effects of perindopril and nitrendipine on arterial stiffness in hypertensives. Hypertension, 1996 ;28 :1081-1084.
- Laurent S, Lacolley P, Girerd X, Boutouyrie P, Bezie Y, Safar M. Arterial stiffening: opposing effects of age- and hypertension-associated structural changes. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 1996, 74 : 842-849.
- Safar M, Laurent S. Vasodilatory drugs: Rilmenidine. In: Cardiovascular Drug Therapy, ed. F. Messerli, 1996, 633-642
- Girerd X, Boutouyrie P, Pannier B, Mourad JJ, Safar M, Laurent S. Noninvasive ultrasound methods for the measurement of arterial wall thickness. In Intima-media thickness and atherosclerosis : Predicting the risk ? Ed. P.J. Touboul. Parthenon Publishing, 1996, pp 45-58.
- . Laurent S, Girerd X, Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P, Safar M. Compliance and arterial wall thickening. In Intima-media thickness and atherosclerosis : Predicting the risk ? Ed. P.J. Touboul. Parthenon Publishing, 1996, pp 81-96
- Safar M, Girerd X, Laurent S. Structural changes of large conduit arteries in hypertension. Editorial: Journal of Hypertension , 1996,14 :545-555
- Giannattasio C, Boutouyrie P, Glen S, Mallion J, Reid J, Laurent S, Mancia G. Compliance studies in ELSA. Blood pressure 1996;(suppl 4) : 39-43.
- 1997
- Safar M, Laurent S. Large arteries and veins in hypertension. in: Handbook of Hypertension. Vol 17 : Pathophysiology of Hypertension. Ed. A. Zanchetti, G. Mancia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, 1997, pp 334-383.
- Cunha R, Dabiré H, Bezie Y, Weiss AM, Chaouche-Teraya K, Laurent S, Safar M, Lacolley P. Mechanical stress of the carotid artery at the early phase of spontaneous hypertension in rats. Hypertension 1997;29:992-998.
- Benetos A, Lacolley P, Laurent S. Large arteries stiffness during hypertension. J Hypertens 1997 ;15 (suppl 2) :S89-S97
- Ungureanu-Longrois D, Bézie Y, Perret C, Laurent S. Effects of exogenous and endogenous nitric oxide on the contractile function of cultured chick embryo ventricular myocytes. J Mol Cell Cardiol, 1997, 29:677-687.
- Boutouyrie P, Bezie Y, Lacolley P, Challande P, Chamiot-Clerc P, Benetos A, Renaud de la Faverie JF, Safar M, Laurent S. Wall viscosity of rat abdominal aorta and endothelial function. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1997 ;17 :1346-1355.
- Mourad JJ, Priollet P, Girerd X, Safar M, Lazareth I, Laurent S. The wall to lumen ratio of the radial artery in patients with Raynaud‟s phenomenon. J Vasc Res 1997 ;34 :298-305.
- Mourad JJ, Girerd X, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Safar ME, London GM. Stiffness of radial artery wall material in
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- Chaouche-Teyara K, Lacolley P, Challande P, Fournier B, Laurent S, Safar M, Dabiré H. Effects of clonidine and flesinoxan on blood pressure variability in conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1997,30:241 244.
- Laurent S, Girerd X, Benetos A, Daniel-Lamaziere JM, Lacolley P. Physiopathologie du remodelage artériel dans l‟hypertension artérielle. Med Sciences 1997;13 : 809-819.
- Daniel-Lamaziere JM, Lacolley P, Bezie Y, Challande P, Laurent S. Interactions cellule-matrice et propriétés élastiques des gros troncs artériels. Med Sciences 1997;13 :799-808.
- 1998
- Mourad JJ, Girerd X, Boutouyrie P, Safar M, Laurent S. Opposing effects of hypertrophy and remodelling on arterial compliance. Hypertension 1998; 31, 5 (part 2) :529-533.
- Girerd X, Giannattasio C, Moulin C, Safar M, Mancia G, Laurent S. Regression of radial artery wall hypertrophy and improvement of carotid artery compliance after long term antihypertensive treatment: the Pericles study. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998, 31:1064-1073.
- Bézie Y, Daniel Lamazière JM, Laurent S, Challande P, Sa Cunha R, Bonnet J, Lacolley P. Fibronectin expression and aortic wall elastic modulus in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1998, 18:1027-1034.
- Bézie Y, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Gabella G. Connection of smooth muscle cells to elastic lamellae in aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension, 1998;32:166-169.
- Boutouyrie P, Boumaza S, Challande P, Lacolley P, Laurent S. Smooth muscle tone and arterial wall viscosity : an in vivo/in vitro study. Hypertension, 1998; 32:360-364.
- Girerd X, Hanon O, Boutouyrie P, Mourad JJ, Laurent S, Jeunemaître X. Lack of association between renin-angiotensin system gene polymorphisms and wall thickness of the radial and carotid artery. Hypertension, 1998;32:579-583.
- Girerd X, Chamiot-Clerc P, Copie X, Renaud JF, Laurent S, Safar ME. Effects of norepinephrine on the mechanical properties of the human radial artery in vitro. Am Heart J 1998;136:624-631
- Koffi I, Lacolley P, Kirchengaast M, Pomies JP, Laurent S, Benetos A. Prevention of arterial structural alterations with verapamil and trandolapril and consequences for mechanical properties in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Eur J Pharmacol 1998;361:51-60.
- 1999
- Jondeau G, Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P, Laloux B, Dubourg O., Bourdarias JP, Laurent S. Central aortic pulse pressure is a major determinant of aortic dilatation in Marfan syndrome. Circulation 1999; 99:2677-2681.
- Boutouyrie P, Bussy C, Lacolley P, Girerd X, Laloux B, Laurent S. Local steady and pulse pressure and arterial remodeling. Circulation 1999, 100;1387-1393.
- Bezie Y, Daniel-Lamaziere JM, Gabella G, Koffi I, Laurent S, Lacolley P. Molecular and cellular determinants of arterial stiffness: role of cell-matrix connections. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1999;47:669-676
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P Methods for exploring arteries in humans: application to the study of estrogens. Therapie 1999;54:347-352
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Hypertrophy of the arterial wall and arterial rigidity. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1999;47:648-655
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Impact of essential hypertension on the arteries. Rev Prat 1999;49:495-502
- 2000
- Boutouyrie P, Bussy C, Hayoz D, Hengstler J, Dartois N, Laloux B, Brunner H, Laurent S. Local pulse pressure and regression of arterial wall hypertrophy during long term antihypertensive treatment. Circulation 2000;101:2601-2606.
- Bussy C, Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P, Challande P, Laurent S. Intrinsic stiffness of the carotid artery wall material in essential hypertensives. Hypertension 2000;35:1049-1054.
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Azizi M, Marie C, Gros C, Schwartz JC, Lecomte JM, Bralet J. Antihypertensive effects of fasidotril, a dual inhibitor of neprilysin and ACE, in rats and humans. Hypertension 2000;35:1148-1153.
- Hanon O, Girerd X, Luong V, Jeunemaitre X, Laurent S, Safar M. Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on carotid and radial artery wall thickness in asymptomatic adults. J Hypertens 2000;18:431-436.
- 2001
- Boutouyrie P, Corvisier R, Azizi M, Lemoine D, Laloux B, Hallouin MC, Laurent S. Effects of acupuncture on radial artery hemodynamics: controlled trials in sensitised patients and naive subjects. Am J Physiol, 2001, 280: H628-633.
- Boumaza S, Arribas S, Osborne-Pellegrin M, McGRath I, Laurent S, Lacolley P, Challande P. Fenestrations of the carotid internal elastic lamina and structural adaptation in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Hypertension 2001;37:1101-7.
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Asmar R, Gautier I, Laloux B, Guize L, Ducimetiere P, Benetos A. Aortic stiffness is an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in hypertensive patients. Hypertension, 2001, 37: 1236-1241.
- Cohuet G, Challande P, Osborne-Pellegrin M, Arribas SM, Dominiczak A, Louis H, Laurent S, Lacolley P. Mechanical strength of the isolated carotid artery in SHR. Hypertension 2001 38:1167-1171.
- Lacolley P, Challande P, Boumaza S, Cohuet G, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Grimaud J, Paulin D, Lamaziere JD, Li Z.Mechanical properties and structure of carotid arteries in mice lacking desmin. Cardiovasc Res 2001;51:178-187
- Boutouyrie P, Germain DP, Tropeano Ai, Laloux B, Carenzi F, Zidi M, Jeunemaitre X, Laurent S. Compressibility of the carotid artery in patients with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Hypertension, 2001;38:1181-1184
- Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Laloux B, Lidove O, Grunfeld JP, Germain DP.Non-invasive evaluation of arterial involvement in patients affected with Fabry disease. J Med Genet 2001;38:629-631
- Laurent S, Tropeano AI, Lacolley P, Jondeau G, Laloux B, Boutouyrie P. Pulse pressure is a major determinant of arterial remodelling. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2001;28:1011-1014.
- Laurent S. Clinical benefit of very-low-dose perindopril-indapamide combination in hypertension. J Hypertens 2001;19 Suppl 4:S9-14
- Laurent S, Zanchetti A. New challenges in the disease management of hypertension. J Hypertens 2001;19 Suppl 3:S1.
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Aortic stiffness, an important risk factor for myocardial infarction. Editorial for MDConsult-Cardiology Website (sur invitation, Pr E Brauwald)
- 2002
- Simon T, Boutouyrie P, Simon JM, Laloux B, Tournigand C, Tropeano AI, Laurent S, Jaillon P. Influence of tamoxifen on carotid intima-media thickness in postmenopausal women. Circulation 2002; 109: 2925-2929 (IF 10,9)
- Boutouyrie P, Tropeano AI, Asmar R, Gautier I, Benetos A, Lacolley P, Laurent S. Aortic stiffness is an independent predictor of primary coronary events in hypertensive patients: a longitudinal study. Hypertension 2002, 39: 10-15 (IF 6,0)
- Laurent S. Genotype interactions and intima-media thickness. J Hypertens 2002;20:1477-1478
- Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P, Glukhova M, Daniel Lamaziere JM, Plouin PF, Bruneval P, Vuong P, Corvol P, Laurent S. Disruption of the elastin gene in adult Williams syndrome is accompanied by a paradoxical reduction in arterial stiffness. Clinical Science 2002, 103: 21-29 (IF 3,3)
- Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Laloux B, Lidove O, Grunfeld JP, Germain DP. Arterial remodelling in Fabry disease. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 2002;91:62-66
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Benetos A. Pathophysiology of hypertension in the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc, 2002;11:34-39.
- Laurent S, Kingwell B, Bank A, Weber M, Struijker-Boudier H. Clinical applications of arterial stiffness : therapeutic and pharmacology. Am J Hypertens 2002, 15, 453-458
- 2003
- Durier S, Fassot C, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Couetil JP, Fine E, Lacolley P, Dzau V, Pratt R. Physiological genomics of human arteries : quantitative relationship between gene expression and arterial stiffness. Circulation 2003, 108; 1845-1851 (IF 10,9)
- Germain DP, Boutouyrie P, Tropeano AI, Laloux B, Laurent S. Arterial stiffness and remodeling in patients with Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2003; 23: 836-841 (IF 6,9) (Times cited 5)
- Laurent S, Katsahian S, Fassot C, Tropeano AI, Laloux B, Boutouyrie P. Aortic stiffness is an independent predictor of fatal stroke in essential hypertension. Stroke 2003, 34: 1203-1206 (IF 5,4) (Times cited 134)
- Boutouyrie P, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Fine E, Laloux B, Fiquet-Kempf B, Plouin PF, Jeunemaitre X, Laurent S. Carotid involvement in renal fibromuscular dysplasia: evidence from echotracking techniques. J Hypertens 2003, 21:2287-2295 (IF 4,0)
- Laurent S. Psychological behaviour, pulse pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy. J Hypertens 2003; 21:695-696 (Editorial) (IF 4,0)
- Bozec E, Fassot C, Tropeano AI, Boutouyrie P, Jeunemaitre X, Lacolley P, Dabire H, Laurent S. Angiotensinogen gene M235T polymorphism and reduction in wall thickness in response to antihypertensive treatment. Clinical Science 2003, 105:637-644 (IF 3,3) (Times cited 12)
- Herin L, Blanc J, Basset A, Laude D, Laurent S, Elghozi JL. Different vascular responsiveness to angiotensin II in two normotensive rat strains. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 2003;17:315-321.
- Laurent S. Medicaments et rigidite arterielle chez l’hypertendu. Drugs. 2003;63 Spec No 1:1-8.
- Laurent S. Very-low dose combination of perindopril and indapamide : efficacy on blood pressure and target organ damage. J Hypertens 2003;21 (suppl 3) S11-S18.
- Bozec E, Fassot C, Tropeano AI, Boutouyrie P, Jeunemaitre X, Lacolley P, Dabire H, Laurent S. Angiotensinogen gene M235T polymorphism and reduction in wall thickness in response to antihypertensive treatment. Clinical Science 2003, 105:637-644 (IF 2,2)
- 2004
- Boutouyrie P, Germain DP, Fiessinger JN, Laloux B, Perdu J, Laurent S. Increased carotid wall stress in vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Circulation 2004;109:1530-1535 (IF 12,5)
- Laurent S. Guidelines from the British Hypertension Society. BMJ 2004; 328:593-594. (Editorial) (IF 7)
- Calvet D, Boutouyrie P, Touzé E, Laloux B, Mas JL, Laurent S. Increased stiffness of the carotid wall material in patients with spontaneous cervical artery dissection. Stroke 2004; 35:2078-2082 (IF 5,7)
- Bozec E, Bergaya S, Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P, Meneton P, Herissé-Legrand M, Boulanger C, Alhenc-Gelas F, Smithies O, Laurent S, Dabiré H. Arterial phenotype of transgenic mice for the angiotensinogen gene: comparison to M235T polymorphism. J Hypertens 2004; 22: 1299-1307 (IF 5,2)
- Basset A, Laude D, Laurent S, Elghozi JL. Contrasting circadian rythms of blood pressure among inbred rat strains: recognition of dipper and nondipper pattern? J Hypertens 2004 ; 22:727-737 (IF 5,2)
- Tropeano AI, Boutouyrie P, Katsahian S, Laloux B, Laurent S. Glucose level is a major determinant of common carotid artery intima media thickness in patients with hypertension and hyperglycemia. J Hypertens 2004; 22:1-8 (IF 5,2)
- Caudron E, Laurent S, Billaud E, Prognon P. A rapid, simple and simultaneous determination of acid/base antihypertensive drugs: bisoprolol, celiprolol and irbesartan by high performance liquid chromatography in human plasma. J Chromatography 2004; 801:339-345
- Blanc J, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Elghozi JL.Comparison of angiotensin II-induced blood pressure and structural changes in Fischer 344 and Wistar Kyoto rats. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2004; 31:466-473 (IF 1,7)
- Simon T, Boutouyrie P, Gompel A, Christin-Maitre S, Laurent S, Thuillez C, Zannad F, Bernaud C, Jaillon P; CASHMERE investigators.Rationale, design and methods of the CASHMERE study. Fundam Clin Pharmacol 2004; 18:131-138 (IF 1,7)
- 2005
- Azizi M, Boutouyrie P, Bissery A, Agharazii M, Verbeke F, Stern N, Bura-Riviere A, Laurent S, Alhenc-Gelas F, Jeunemaitre X. Arterial and renal consequences of partial genetic deficiency in tissue kallikrein activity in humans. : J Clin Invest 2005; 115:780-787 (IF 14,2)
- Laurent S. Arterial stiffness: intermediate or surrogate endpoint for cardiovascular events? Eur Heart J. 2005 ; 26:1152-1154 (Editorial) (IF 6,2)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P. Structural and genetic bases of arterial stiffness. Hypertension. 2005 ; 45:1050-1055 (Review) (IF 6,33)
- Giannattasio C, Failla M, Hennig M, Hollweck R, Laurent S, Mallion JM, Reid J, Safar M, Bond G, Zanchetti A, Mancia G. Different relation between 24-h blood pressure and distensibility at different peripheral arteries. Data from the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis (ELSA). J Hypertens 2005; 23:557-56 (IF 5,2)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness and stroke in hypertension: therapeutic implications for stroke prevention. CNS Drugs. 2005; 19:1-11 (Review) (IF 4,2)
- Laurent S. Evidence for benefits of perindopril in hypertension and its complications. Am J Hypertens 2005; 18(9 Suppl):155-162 (IF 4,2)
- Azizi M, Boutouyrie P, Ahlenc-Gelas F, Laurent S, Jeunemaitre X. Polymorphism of kallikrein gene and abnormalities of the endothelial function. Med Sci (Paris). 2005; 21:584-585
- Boutouyrie P, Mousseaux E, Cocheteux B, Laurent S, Germain DP. Large artery and left ventricular remodelling in Fabry disease. Med Sci (Paris) 2005; 21(11 Suppl):30-32
- 2006
- Laurent S, Cockcroft J, Van Bortel L, Boutouyrie P, Giannattasio C, Hayoz D, Pannier B, Vlachopoulos C, Wilkinson I, Struijker-Boudier H; European Network for Non-invasive Investigation of Large Arteries. Expert consensus document on arterial stiffness: methodological issues and clinical applications. Eur Heart J. 2006 ;27:2588-605. (IF 7,3 ) (Times cited 76)
- Laurent S. Surrogate measures of arterial stiffness: do they have additive predictive value or are they only surrogates of a surrogate? Hypertension. 2006 ;47:325-6. (IF 6.0) (Times cited 10)
- Tropeano AI, Boutouyrie P, Pannier B, Joannides R, Balkestein E, Katsahian S, Laloux B, Thuillez C, Struijker-Boudier H, Laurent S. Brachial pressure-independent reduction in carotid stiffness after long-term angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in diabetic hypertensives. Hypertension. 2006 ;48:80-6. (IF 6.0)
- Paini A, Boutouyrie P, Calvet D, Tropeano AI, Laloux B, Laurent S. Carotid and aortic stiffness: determinants of discrepancies. Hypertension. 2006;47:371-6. (IF 6.0)
- Boccara F, Simon T, Lacombe K, Cohen A, Laloux B, Bozec E, Durant S, Girard PM, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Influence of pravastatin on carotid artery structure and function in dyslipidemic HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2006 ;20:2395-8.(IF 5.6)
- Perdu J, Gimenez-Roqueplo AP, Boutouyrie P, Beaujour S, Laloux B, Nau V, Fiquet-Kempf B, Emmerich J, Tichet J, Plouin PF, Laurent S, Jeunemaitre X. Alpha1-antitrypsin gene polymorphisms are not associated with renal arterial fibromuscular dysplasia. J Hypertens. 2006;24:705-10 (IF 4.0)
- Laurent S, Tropeano AI, Boutouyrie P. Pulse pressure reduction and cardiovascular protection. J Hypertens Suppl. 2006 ;24:S13-8. (IF 4.0)
- Briet M, Bozec E, Laurent S, Fassot C, Jacquot C, Froissart M, Houillier P, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness and enlargement in mild to moderate chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2006 ;69:350-7 (IF 4.7)
- 0. Laurent S. Arterial stiffness in arterial hypertension. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2006 ;8:179-80
- 2007
- Laurent S. Day or night blood pressures to predict cardiovascular events? The Lancet. 2007 (Editorial); 370:1192-3. (IF 25.8) (Times cited )
- Mancia G, de Backer G, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder R, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A. Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J 2007 ; 28:1462-536. (IF 7.3)
- Briet M, Collin C, Laurent S, Tan A, Azizi M, Agharazii M, Jeunemaitre X, Alhenc-Gelas F, Boutouyrie P. Endothelial dysfunction and chronic exposure to air pollution in normal male subjects. Hypertension 2007 ;50 :970-976 (IF 6.0)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Recent advances in arterial stiffness and wave reflection in human hypertension. Hypertension highlights (Review). Hypertension 2007;49:1202-1206 (IF 6.0)
- Paini A, Boutouyrie P, Calvet D, Zidi M, Agabiti-Rosei E, Laurent S. Multiaxial mechanical characteristics of vulnerable carotid plaque : analyis by multiarray echotracking system. Stroke 2007, 38 :117-123. (IF 5.8)
- Mancia G, de Backer G, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder R, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A. Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). J Hypertens 2007 ;25:1105-87 (IF 4.0)
- Mancia G, de Backer G, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder R, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A. 2007 ESH-ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension: ESH-ESC Task Force on the Management of Arterial Hypertension. J Hypertens. 2007;25:1751-1762 (IF 4.0)
- Laurent S. How to estimate central augmentation pressure ? (Editorial) J Hypertens 2007;25:1343-5. (IF 4.0)
- Perdu J, Boutouyrie P, Bourgain C, Stern N, Laloux B, Bozec E, Azizi M, Bonaiti-Pellié C, Plouin PF, Laurent S, Gimenez-Ropqueplo AP, Jeunemaitre X. Inheritance of arterial lesions in renal fibromuscular dysplasia. J Human Hypertens 2007;21:393-400 (IF 2.4)
- McGrath B, Laurent S. Frontiers in research reviews: arterial function: introduction. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2007;34:645-646. (IF 1.8)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness : a new surrogate end point for cardiovascular disease. J Nephrol 2007;20 (suppl 12) :S45-S50 (IF 1.45)
- Mancia G, de Backer G, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Fagard R, Germano G, Grassi G, Heagerty AM, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Ruilope L, Rynkiewicz A, Schmieder R, Struijker Boudier HA, Zanchetti A. Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. The Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Blood Press. 2007;16:135-232. (IF 1.12)
- Struijker-Boudier HA, Ambrosioni E, Holzgreve H, Laurent S, Mancia G, Ruilope LM, Waeber B. The need for combination antihypertensive therapy to reach target blood pressures: what has been learned from clinical practice and morbidity-mortality trials? Int J Clin Pract. 2007;61:1592-602
- Laurent S, Fassot C, Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P. Molecular determinants of arterial stiffness. Artery Research 2007;1:26-31
- Laurent S, Cockcroft J, Van Bortel L, Boutouyrie P, Giannattasio C, Hayoz D, Pannier B, Vlachopoulos C, Wilkinson I, Struijker-Boudier H. Expert consensus document on arterial stiffness : abridged version. Artery Research 2007 ;1 :2-12
- Castello L, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Volpe M. The role of arterial stiffnes in stratifying the overall cardiovascular risk. High Blood Press Cardiovasc Prev 2007 ;14 :89-97.
- 2008
- Beaussier H, Masson I, Collin C, Bozec E, Laloux B, Calvet D, Zidi M, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Carotid plaque, arterial stiffness gradient and remodelling in hypertension. Hypertension 2008;52:729-736 (IF 7.36)
- Fassot C, Briet M, Rostagno P, Barbry P, Perret C, Laude D, Boutouyrie P, Bozec E, Bruneval P, Latremouille C, Laurent S. Accelerated arterial stiffening and gene expression profile of the aorta in patients with coronary artery disease. J Hypertens. 2008;26:747-757 (IF 5.13)
- Nilsson PM, Lurbe E, Laurent S. The early life origin of vascular ageing and cardiovascular risk. J Hypertens 2008;26:1049-1057 (IF 5.13), Review
- Redon J, Cifkova R, Laurent S, Nilsson P, Narkiewicz K, Erdine S, Mancia G on behalf of the Scientific Council of the European Society of Hypertension. The metabolic syndrome in hypertension: A European Society of Hypertension Position Statement. J Hypertens 2008, 26:1891-1900 (IF 5.13)
- Cifkova R, Mancia G, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S. European Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice: past, present, and future. A need for joint forces. J Hypertens 2008;26:157-160 (IF 5.13), Editorial
- Roca-Cusachs A, Schmieder RE, Triposkiadis F, Wenzel R, Laurent S, Kohlmann O, Fogari R, on behalf of the MORE Study Group. Efficacy and Tolerability of Manidpine and Delapril Versus Losartan and Hydrochorothiazide Fixed Combinations in Patients with Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes. J Hypertens 2008 ;26:813-818 (IF 5.13)
- Laurent S. Aortic, carotid and femoral stiffness: how do they relate? Towards reference values. J Hypertens. 2008 ;26:1305-6. (IF 5.13), Editorial
- Masson I, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Humphrey JD, Zidi M. Characterization of arterial wall mechanical behavior and stresses from human clinical data. J Biomechanics 2008;41:2618-2627 (IF 2.54)
- Boutouyrie P, Vermersch S, Laurent S, Briet M. Cardiovascular risk assessment through target organ damage: role of carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2008;35:530-533 (IF 1.8)
- Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Briet M. Arterial stiffness in cardiovascular drug development. Fund Clin Pharmacol 2008;22:241-246. (IF 1.8)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness: a new surrogate end point for cardiovascular disease? J Nephrol. 2007;20 Suppl 12:S45-50 (IF 1.21)
- Tropeano AI, Katsahian S, Molle D, Soppelsa F, Grimaldi A, Laurent S. Lowering of pulse pressure in 9,379 hypertensives with type 2 diabetes and reduction of cardiovascular events. Blood Press 2008 (IF 1.12)
- Ryden L, Waeber B, Ruilope LM, Mancia G, Volpe M, Holzgreve H, Mogensen CE, Laurent S. The management of the type 2 diabetic patient with hypertension – too late and too little: Suggested improvements. Blood Press. 2008 Nov 13:1-10. (IF 1.12)
- Lantelme P, Laurent S, Besnard C, Bricca G, Vincent M, Legedz L, Milon H. Arterial stiffness is associated with left atrial size in hypertensive patients. Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2008 ;101:35-40
- 2009
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Beta-blocker induced heart rate reduction : too simplistic to explain the deleterious effects of beta-blockers. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 53:2103-2104 (IF 11.43) Letter
- Nilsson P, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Vascular aging: A tale of EVA and ADAM in cardiovascular risk assessment and prevention. Hypertension 2009; 54:3-10. (IF 7.36)
- Laurent S, Briet M, Boutouyrie P. Large/small artery cross talk and recent morbidity mortality trials in hypertension. Hypertension 2009;54:388-392 (IF 7.36)
- Redon J, Cifkova R, Laurent S, Nilsson P, Narkiewicz K, Erdine S, Mancia G. Mechanisms of hypertension in the cardiometabolic syndrome. J Hypertens 2009; 27:441-451. (IF 5.13)
- Lurbe E, Cifkova R, Cruickshank K, Dillon M, Ferreira I, Invitti C, Kuznetsova T, Laurent S, Mancia G, Morales-Olivas F, Seeman T, Stergiou G, Wuhl E, Zanchetti A. Management of high blood pressure in children and adolescents: recommendations of the European Society of Hypertension. J Hypertens 2009; 27:1719-1742. (IF 5.13)
- Mancia G, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, ambrosioni E, Burnier M, Cifkova R, Clement D, Coca A, Dominiczak A, Erdine S, Fagard R, Farsang C, Grassi G, Haller H, Kjeldsen S, Kiowski W, Mallion JM, Manolis A, Narkiewicz K, Nilsson P, Olsen M, Rahn KH, Redon J, Rodicio J, Ruilope L, Schmieder R, Struijker-Boudier HAJ, van Zwieten P, Vigiimaa M, Zanchetti A. Guidelines on hypertension management revisited in 2009: an ESH position statement. J Hypertens 2009, 27:2121-2158. (IF 5.13)
- Vermeersch SJ, Segers P, Rietzschel E, De Buyzere ML, Van Bortel LM, Verdonck PR, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Influence of distance measurements for assessment of carotid to femoral pulse wave velocity. J Hypertens, Nov (IF 5.13)
- Briet M, Maruani G, Collin C, Gauci C, Boutouyrie P, Houillier P, Laurent S, Froissart M. Arterial remodeling is associated with bone mineral density in mild to moderate chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009 (IF 3.2)
- Laurent S, Beaussier H, Collin C, Boutouyrie P. Large artery damage in hypertension. Arch Med Sci 2009;5,2A:S243-S253. (IF 0.7)
- Kohlmann O Jr, Roca-Cusachs A, Laurent S, Schmieder RE, Wenzel RR, Fogari R. Fixed-dose manidipine/delapril versus losartan/hydrochlorothiazide in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria. Adv Ther. 2009; 26: 313-324 (IF 0.4)
- 2010
- Ong KT, Perdu J, Plauchu H, De Backer J, Emmerich J, Jeunemaitre X, Germain DP, Collignon P, Georgesco G, Bozec E, Hulot JS, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Effect of celiprolol on prevention of cardiovascular events in Ehlers-Danlos type IV, the vascular type. Lancet 2010; 376:1476-84 (IF 28.4)
- Duong van Huyen JP, Troise A, Perret C, Prince S, Barbry P, Henrion D, Bruneval P, Laurent S, Lelièvre-Pégorier M, Fassot C. Abnormal vascular programming of prostacyclin receptor involved in hypertension in rats exposed in utero to maternal diabetes. Diabetes 2010 (IF 9.02) 59(10):2597-602
- Boutouyrie P, Vermeersch S, and the Reference Values for Arterial Stiffness’ Collaboration. Reference Values for Carotid-Femoral Pulse Wave Velocity in the Reference Values for Arterial Stiffness‟ Collaboration Database. Eur Heart J 2010;31:2338-50 (IF 8.92)
- Boutouyrie P, Achouba A, Trunet P, Laurent S, on behalf of the EXPLOR trialist group. The amlodipine-valsartan combination decreases central systolic blood pressure more effectively than atenolol-amlodipine: the EXPLOR study. Hypertension 2010; 55 :1314-1322 (IF 7.36)
- Ait Oufella H, Collin C, Bozec E, Ong KT, Laloux B, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Long-term reduction in aortic stiffness: a 5.3-year follow-up in routine clinical practice. J Hypertens 2010 (IF 5.13);28:2336-41.
- Consoli S, Levy A, Pouchain D, Laurent S. Can physicians be classified according to their perception of hypertensive disease? Relationship with blood pressure control. J Hypertens 2010;28:1330-1339 (IF 5.13)
- Olsen MH, Mallion JM, Rahn KH, Erdine S, Viigimaa M, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Mancia G, Schmieder RE, Cifkova R, Dominiczak A, Kjeldsen SE, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Nilsson P, Narkiewicz K; ESH Council. Agreement within Europe about antihypertensive treatment and education – results from the European Society of Hypertension questionnaire. J Hypertens. 2010;28:1593-1594. (IF 5.13)
- Briet M, Maruani G, Collin C, Gauci C, Boutouyrie P, Houillier P, Laurent S, Froissart M. Arterial remodeling is associated with bone mineral density in mild to moderate chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010;25:191-197 (IF 3.2)
- Consoli S, Lemogne C, Roch B, Laurent S, Plouin PF, Lane R. Differences in emotion processing in patients with essential and secondary hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2010;23:515-521 (IF 3.12)
- Masson I, Beaussier H, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Humprey JD, Zidi M. Quantification of the wall mechanical characteristics and stresses of in vivo carotid arteries in hypertensive and normal human subjects. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 2010 (IF 3.1)
- Hennerici M, Bots M, Ford I, Laurent S, Touboul PJ. Rationale and design of the PERFORM Vascular Project: an ancillary study of the Prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular Events of ischemic origin with teRutroban in patients with a history oF ischemic strOke or tRansient ischeMic attack (PERFORM) trial. Cardiovasc Drug Ther, 2010;24:175-179 (IF 2.45)
- Azizi M, Boutouyrie P, Bura A, Peyrard S, Laurent S, Fiessinger JN, Thromboangiitis obliterans and endothelial function. Eur J Clin Invest 2010;40:518-526 (IF 1.92)
- Richy F, Laurent S. Efficacy and safety profiles of manidipine compared to amlodipine: a meta-analysis of head-to-head trials. Blood Pressure 2010 (IF 1.77)
- Boutouyrie P, Corvisier R, Vulser C, Azizi M, Laloux B, Laurent S. Has acupuncture any measurable effect on the radial artery? A randomized, double-blind study in migraine. Artery Research 2010, 4:7-14
- 2011
- Grassi G, Cifkova R, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Farsang C, Viigimaa M, Erdine S, Brambilla G, Bombelli M, Dell‟Oro R, Notari M, Mancia G. Blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk profile in hypertensive patients from central and eastern European Countries: results of the BP-CARE study. Eur Heart J 2011,32:218-225 (IF 8.92)
- Redon J, Olsen M, Cooper RS, Zurriaga O, Martinez M, Laurent S, Cifkova R, Coca A, Mancia G. Stroke Mortality and Trends from 1990-2006 in 39 Countries from Europe and Central Asia: Implications for Control of High Blood Pressure. Eur Heart J 2011, (IF 8.92)
- Briet M, Collin C, Karras A, Laurent S, Bozec E, Jacquot C, Stengel B, Houillier P, Froissart M, Boutouyrie P, for the Nephrotest Study Group. Maladaptive remodeling of large artery has a predictive value for chronic kidney disease progression. J Am Soc Nephrol 2011, 967-974(IF 7.69)
- Gorelick PB and Scuteri A Co-Chairs, Arnett DK, Bennett DA, Black SE, Chui HC, DeCarli C, Greenberg SM, Higashida RT, Iadecola C, Launer L, Laurent S, Lindquist R, Lopez OL, Nilsson PM, Nyenhuis D, Petersen RC, Roman G, Schneider JA, Sellke FW, Seshadri S, Tzourio C. AHA/ASA Scientific Statement. Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Council on Stroke and Council on Epidemiology and Prevention. Stroke 2011; 42:2672-2713 (IF 7.04)
- Briet M, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, London G. Arterial stiffness and pulse pressure in CKD and ESRD. Kidney Int 2011 (IF 6.2)
- Beaussier H, Naggara O, Calvet D, Joannides R, Guegan-Massardier E, Gerardin E, Jacob M, Laloux B, Bozec E, Bellien J, Touze E, Masson I, Thuillez C, Oppenheim C, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Mechanical and structural characteristics of carotid plaques: Combined analysis with multi-array echotracking system and MRI. JACC Imaging 2011,4,468-477 (IF 5.52)
- Laurent S, Alivon M, Beaussier H, Boutouyrie P. Prediction of future cardiovascular events in asymptomatic hypertensive subjects. Annals of Medicine (Suppl. XVII Parvoo Nurmi Symposium) (IF 5.43)
- Verbecke F, Pannier B, Guerin AP, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, London G. Paradoxical Flow-Mediated Vasoconstriction in End-Stage Renal Disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2011,6:2009-2015 (IF 4.8)
- Boutouyrie P, Lacolley P, Briet M, Reignault V, Stanton A, Laurent S, Mahmud A. Pharmacological modulation of arterial stiffness. Drugs 2011; 71:1689-1701. (IF 4.7)
- Scuteri A, Nilsson P, Tsourio C, Redon J, Laurent S. Microvascular brain damage: pathophysiological consideration and clinical implications. J Hypertens 2011,29:1469-1477 (IF 3.98)
- Redon J, Erdine S, Bohm M, Ferri C, Kolloch R, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Persu A, Schmieder R, on behalf of the SHARE Steering Committee. Physician attitudes to blood pressure control: Findings from
- the Supporting Hypertension Awareness and Research Europe-wide (SHARE) survey. J Hypertens 2011, 29:1633-1640 (IF 3.98)
- Ong KT, Delerme S, Pannier B, Safar M, Benetos A, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Aortic stiffness is reduced beyond blood pressure lowering by short- and long-term antihypertensive treatment : a meta-analysis of individual data in 294 patients. J Hypertens 2011,29;1034-1042 (IF 3.98)
- Gompel A, Boutouyrie P, Joannides R, Christin-Maitre S, Kearny-Schwartz A, Kunz C, Laurent S, Boivin JM, Pannier B, Pornel B, Struijker-Boudier H, Thuillez C, Van Bortel L, Zannad F, Pithois-Merli I, Jaillon P, Simon T. Carotid intima media thickness, central pulse pressure and pulse wave velocity: influence of hormone replacement therapy, age at menopause and time since menopause. Fertility and Sterility 2011; 96:1445-1450. (IF 3.12)
- Masson I, Beaussier H, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Humprey JD, Zidi M. Quantification of the wall mechanical characteristics and stresses of in vivo carotid arteries in hypertensive and normal human subjects. Biomech Model Mechanobiol 2011; 10(6):867-82. (IF 3.1)
- Collin C, Briet M, Tran TC, Beaussier H, Benistan K, Bensalah M, Mousseaux E, Froissart M, Bozec E, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Germain DP. Long-term changes in arterial structure and function and left ventricular geometry after enzyme replacement therapy in patients affected with Fabry disease. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2011 (IF 2.63)
- Richy F, Laurent S. Efficacy and safety profiles of manidipine compared to amlodipine: a meta-analysis of head-to-head trials. Blood Pressure 2011,20:54-9 (IF 1.77)
- Coudore F, Lefeuvre S, Havard L, Prognon P, Billaud E, Beaune P, Bobrie G, Azizi M, Laurent S. Hydrochlorothiazide and irbesartan determination using HPLC-DAD in hypertensive patients using fixed dose combination therapy. Chromatografia 2011 (IF 1.10)
- 2012
- Laurent S, Schlaich M, Esler M. New drugs, procedure and devices for hypertension. Lancet 2012; 380:591-600 (IF 28.4)
- Briet M, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, London G. Arterial stiffness and pulse pressure in CKD and ESRD. Kidney Int 2012 Apr 25. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 6.60)
- Laurent S, Briet M, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness and central pulse pressure as surrogate markers: needed clinical trials. Hypertension 2012; 60:518-22. (IF 6.20)
- Karras A, Haymann JP, Bozec E, Metzger M, Jacquot C, Maruani G, Houillier P, Froissart M, Stengel B, Guardiola P, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Briet M on behalf of The NephroTest study group. Large artery stiffening and remodeling are independently associated with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease. Hypertension 2012 (IF 6.20)
- Schillaci G, Bilo G, Pucci G, Laurent S, Macquin-Mavier I, Boutouyrie P, Battista F, Desamericq G, Dolbeau G, Faini A, Salvi P, Mannarino E, Parati G. Relationship between short-term blood pressure variability and large-artery stiffness in human hypertension: findings from two large databases. Hypertension 2012, 60:369-77 (IF 6.20)
- Gasecki D, Rokek A, Kwarciany M, Kubach M, Boutouyrie P, Nyka V, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K. Pulse wave velocity predicts functional outcome in patients after ischemic stroke. Stroke 2012;43(2):543-544. (IF 5.72)
- Chandesris MO, Azarine A, Ong KT, Taleb S, Boutouyrie P, Mousseaux E, Romain M, Bozec E, Laurent S, Boddaert N, Thurmerelle C, Tillie-Leblond I, Hoarau C, Lebranchu Y, Aladjidi N, Tron F, Barlogis V, Body V, Munzer M, Jaussaud V, Suarez F, Clement O, Hermine O, Tedgui A, Lortholary O, Picard C, Mallat Z, Fischer A. Circulation Cardiovascular Genetics 2012;5:25-34 (IF 4.04)
- Van Bortel LM, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Chowienczyk P, Cruickshank JK, De Backer T, Filipovsky J, Huybrechts S, Mattace-Raso FU, Protogerou AD, Schillaci G, Segers P, Vermeersch S, Weber T; on behalf of the Artery Society, the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Vascular Structure and Function and the European Network for Noninvasive Investigation of Large Arteries. Expert consensus document on the measurement of aortic stiffness in daily practice using carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity. J Hypertens. 2012;30:445-448 (IF 4.02)
- Zanoli L, Rastelli S, Marcantoni C, Tamburino C, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Castellino P. Renal artery diameter, renal function and resistant hypertension in patients with low-to-moderate renal artery stenosis. J Hypertens. 2012;30:600-607(IF 4.02)
- Zanolli L, Cannavo M, Rastelli S, Di Pino L, Monte I, Di Gangi M, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Inserra G, Castellino P. Arterial stiffness in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. J Hypertens 2012; 30(9):1775-81 (IF 4.02)
- Kips JG, Vermeersch SJ, Reymond P, Boutouyrie P, Stergiopulos N, Laurent S, Bortel LM, Segers P. Ambulatory arterial stiffness index does not accurately assess arterial stiffness. J Hypertens. 2012;30:574-580 (IF 4.02)
- Bobrie G, Frank M, Azizi M, Peyrard S, Boutouyrie P, Chatellier G, Laurent S, Menard J, Plouin PF. Sequential nephron blockade versus sequential rennin-angiotensin system blockade in resistant hypertension: a prospective randomized open blinded end point study in a tertiary referral centre. J Hypertension 2012; 30:1656-1664 (IF 4.02)
- Neisius U, Bilo G, Taurino C, McClure JD, Schneider MP, Kawecka-Jaszcz K, Stolarz-Skrzypek K, Klima Ł, Staessen JA, Kuznetsova T, Redon J, Martinez F, Rosei EA, Muiesan ML, Melander O, Zannad F, Rossignol P, Laurent S, Collin C, Lonati L, Zanchetti A, Dominiczak AF, Delles C. Association of central and peripheral pulse pressure with intermediate cardiovascular phenoytpes. J Hypertens. 2012;30:67-74 (IF 4.02)
- Laurent S, Parati G. Heritability of arterial stiffness and central blood pressure: the Holy Grail for detecting patients at high cardiovascular risk? J Hypertens. 2012;30:1511-1513 (IF 4.02)
- Gasecki D, Rojek A, Kwarciany M, Kowalczyk K, Boutouyrie P, Nyka W, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K. Low pulse wave velocity is associated with early neurological improvement after acute ischemic stroke. Atherosclerosis 2012;225:348-52(IF 3.79)
- Laurent S, Alivon M, Beaussier H, Boutouyrie P. Prediction of future cardiovascular events in asymptomatic hypertensive subjects. Ann Med. 2012;44 Suppl 1:S93-S97 (IF 3.51)
- Collin C, Briet M, Tran TC, Beaussier H, Benistan K, Bensalah M, Mousseaux E, Froissart M, Bozec E,
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Germain DP. Long-term changes in arterial structure and function and left ventricular geometry after enzyme replacement therapy in patients affected with Fabry disease. Eur J Prev Cardiolog. 2012;19:43-54 (IF 2.63)
- Calvet D, Touze E, Laurent S, Sablayrolles JL, Boutouyrie P, Mas JL. Aortic stiffness measurement improves the prediction of asymptomatic CAD in stroke/TIA patients beyond cardiovascular risk factors. Int J Stroke (IF 2.38)
- Ong KT, Plauchu H, Peyrol S, Roux E, Errazuriz E, Khau Van Kien P, Arbeille B, Gaulier A, Georgesco G, Collignon P, Germain DP, Gaveau MN, Perdu J, Laurent S, Bruneval P, Boutouyrie P. Ultrastructural scoring of skin biopsies for diagnosis of Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Virchows Archiv 2012;460:637-649. (IF 2.33)
- 2013
- Laurent S. Combined NEP/ECE inhibition and regression of renal damage in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes: Disappointment or hope? Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2013, 1:2-3 (Editorial)
- Engelen L, Ferreira I, Stehouwer CD, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S; Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration. Reference intervals for common carotid intima-media thickness measured with echotracking: relation with risk factors. Eur Heart J. 2013; 34:2368-2380 (IF 14.1)
- Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redón J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, DeBacker G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F. 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J. 2013 ; 34:2159-2219 (IF 14.1)
- Brisset M, Boutouyrie P, Pico F, Zhu Y, Zureik M, Schilling S, Dufouil C, Mazoyer B, Laurent S, Tzourio C, Debette S. Large-vessel correlates of cerebral small-vessel disease. Neurology. 2013;80:662-9 (IF 8.31)
- Laurent S, Mousseaux E, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness as an imaging biomarker: are all pathways equal? Hypertension 2013, 62:10-12 (IF 6.98)
- Nilsson P, Boutouyrie P, Cunha P, Kotsis V, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Rietzschel E, Scuteri A, Laurent S. Early vascular ageing (EVA) in translation – from laboratory investigations to clinical applications in cardiovascular prevention. J Hypertens 2013; 31:1517-1526 (IF 4.02)
- Segers P, Kips JG, Vermeersch SJ, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Van Bortel LM. A model expression for the ambulatory arterial stiffness index. J Hypertens. 2013;31:211-212. (IF 4.02)
- Graff B, Gąsecki D, Rojek A, Boutouyrie P, Nyka W, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K. Heart rate variability and functional outcome in ischemic stroke: a multiparameter approach. J Hypertens. 2013;31:1629-1636. (IF 4.02)
- 0. Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redón J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, DeBacker G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F. 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). J Hypertens. 2013;31:1281-357 (IF 4.02)
- Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redón J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, DeBacker G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F. 2013 Practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC): ESH/ESC Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. ESH/ESC Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. J Hypertens. 2013;31:1925-1938 (IF 4.02
- Brambilla G, Bombelli M, Seravalle G, Cifkova R, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K, Notari M, Fachhetti R, Redon J, Mancia M, Grassi G. Prevalence and clinical characteristics of patients with true resistant hypertension in central and eastern Europe: data from the BP-CARE study. J Hypertens 2013 ;31(10):2018-24 (IF 4.02)
- Wohlfahrt P, Krajčoviechová A, Seidlerova J, Mayer O, Bruthans J, Filipovský J, Laurent S, Cífková R. Arterial stiffness parameters: how do they differ? Atherosclerosis 2013 ; 231:359-364 (IF 3.7)
- Ragunathan-Thangarajah N, Le Beller C, Boutouyrie P, Bassez G, Gherardi R, Laurent S, Authier FJ. Distinctive clinical features in arthro-myalgic patients with and without aluminum hydroxyde-induced macrophagic myofasciitis: an exploratory study. J Inorganic Biochem 2013 128:262-6 (IF 3.19)
- Sharman JE, Laurent S. Value of central blood pressure in the management of hypertension. J Human Hypertens 2013, 27:405-11 (IF 2.80)
- Erdine S, Redon J, Böhm M, Ferri C, Kolloch R, Kreutz R, Laurent S, Persu A, Schmieder RE Are physicians underestimating the challenges of hypertension management? Results from the Supporting Hypertension Awareness and Research Europe-wide (SHARE) survey. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2013;20(5):786-92. (IF 2.63)
- Wohlfahrt P, Krajčoviechová A, Seidlerova J, Galovcova M, Bruthans J, Filipovský J, Laurent S, Cífková R. Lower extremity arterial stiffness versus aortic stiffness in the general population. Hypertens Res 2013 Apr 11. doi: 10.1038/hr.2013.21 (IF 2.57)
- Graff B, Szyndler A, Czechowicz K, Kucharska W, Graff G, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Narkiewicz K. Relationship between heart rate variability, blood pressure and arterial wall properties during air and oxygen breathing in healthy subjects. Auton Neurosci. 2013;31(8):1629-36(IF 1.85)
- Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redón J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, DeBacker G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F. 2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension.Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension; Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology. Blood Press. 2013 22:193-278.( IF 1.39)
- 0. Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular events in hypertensives. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports 2013
- 2014
- Ben-Shlomo Y, Spears M, Boustred C, May M, Anderson SG, Benjamin EJ, Boutouyrie P, Cameron J, Chen CH, Cruickshank JK, Hwang SJ, Lakatta EG, Laurent S, Maldonado J, Mitchell GF, Najjar SS, Newman AB, Ohishi M, Pannier B, Pereira T, Vasan RS, Shokawa T, Sutton-Tyrell K, Verbeke F, Wang KL, Webb DJ, Hansen TW, Zoungas S, McEniery CM, Cockcroft JR, Wilkinson IB. Aortic pulse wave velocity improves cardiovascular event prediction: an individual participant meta-analysis of prospective observational data from 17,635 subjects. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014; 63(7):636-46 (IF 14.1)
- Herbert A, Cruickshank K, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, on behalf of The Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration. Establishing Reference Values for Central Blood Pressure and its Amplification in a General Healthy Population and according to Cardiovascular Risk-Factors. Eur Heart J 2014 (IF 14.1)
- Weber T, Wassertheurer S, Hametner B, Herbert A, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Cruickshank JK. Letter to the Editor: Reference values for central blood pressure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014; S0735-1097 (IF 14.1)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P; On behalf of the Mechanism Vascular Study Investigators. Dose-dependent inward arterial remodeling and destiffening after olmesartan in hypertensive with metabolic syndrome. Hypertension 2014;64:709-716 (IF 6.87)
- Tzourio C, Laurent S, Debette S. Is hypertension associated with an accelerated ageing of the brain? Hypertension 2014; 63(5):894-903 (IF 6.87)
- Bots ML, Ford I, Lloyd S, Laurent S, Touboul PJ Hennerici MG. On behalf of the PERFORM Vascular Ultrasound Study Investigators. Thromboxane prostaglandin receptor antagonist and carotid atherosclerosis progression in patients with cerebrovascular disease of ischemic origin: a randomized controlled trial. Stroke 2014;45:2348-2353 (IF 6.15)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Can we learn about the hypertension-induced decline in renal function from noninvasive haemodynamics? J Hypertens. 2014;32:26-27 (IF 4.02)
- Boutouyrie P, Beaussier H, Achouba A, Laurent S, for the EXPLOR trialists. Destiffening effect of valsartan and atenolol: influence of heart rate and blood pressure. J Hypertens. 2014;32:108-14(IF 4.02)
- Stea F, Bozec E, Millasseau S, Khettab H, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Comparison of the Complior Analyse device with Sphygmocor and Complior SP for pulse wave velocity and central pressure assessment. J Hypertens. 2014; 32(4):873-80 (IF 4.02)
- Wohlfahrt P, Krajcoviechova A, Jozifova M, Mayer O, Vanek J, Filipovsky J, Laurent S, Cifkova R. Large artery stiffness and carotid flow pulsatility in stroke survivors. J Hypertens 2014; 32(5):1097-103 (IF 3.80)
- Zanchetti A, Liu L, Mancia G, Parati G, Grassi G, Stramba-Badiale M, Silani V, Bilo G, Corrao G, Zambon A, Scotti L, Zhang X, Wang H, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Guan TR, Berge E, Redon J, Narkiewicz K, Dominiczak A, Nilsson P, Viigimaa M, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Wu Z, Zhu D, Rodicio JL, Ruilope LM, Martell-Claros N, Pinto F, Schmieder RE, Burnier M, Banach M, Cifkova R, Farsang C, Konradi A, Lazareva I, Sirenko Y, Dorobantu M, Postadzhiyan A, Accetto R, Jelakovic B, Lovic D, Manolis AJ, Stylianou P, Erdine S, Dicker D, Wei G, Xu C, Xie H, Coca A, O’Brien J, Ford G. Blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol targets for prevention of recurrent strokes and cognitive decline in the hypertensive patient: design of the European Society of Hypertension-Chinese Hypertension League Stroke in Hypertension Optimal Treatment randomized trial. J Hypertens. 2014;32:1888-1897 (IF 3.80)
- Zanchetti A, Liu L, Mancia G, Parati G, Grassi G, Stramba-Badiale M, Silani V, Bilo G, Corrao G, Zambon A, Scotti L, Zhang X, Wang H, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Guan TR, Berge E, Redon J, Narkiewicz K, Dominiczak A, Nilsson P, Viigimaa M, Laurent S, Agabiti-Rosei E, Wu Z, Zhu D, Rodicio JL, Ruilope LM, Martell-Claros N, Pinto F, Schmieder RE, Burnier M, Banach M, Cifkova R, Farsang C, Konradi A, Lazareva I, Sirenko Y, Dorobantu M, Postadzhiyan A, Accetto R, Jelakovic B, Lovic D, Manolis AJ, Stylianou P, Erdine S, Dicker D, Wei G, Xu C, Xie H, Coca A, O’Brien J, Ford G. Blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol lowering for prevention of strokes and cognitive decline: a review of available trial evidence. J Hypertens. 2014;32:1741-1750 (IF 3.80)
- Scuteri A, Cunha PG, Rosei EA, Badariere J, Bekaert S, Cockcroft JR, Cotter J, Cucca F, De Buyzere ML, De Meyer T, Ferrucci L, Franco O, Gale N, Gillebert TC, Langlois M, Laucevicius A, Laurent S, Mattace Raso FU, Morrell CH, Muiesan ML, Munnery MM, Navickas R, Oliveira P, Orru’ M, Pilia MG, Rietzschel ER, Ryliskyte L, Salvetti M, Schlessinger D, Sousa N, Stefanadis C, Strait J, Van Daele C, Villa I, Vlachopoulos C, Witteman J, Xaplanteris P, Nilsson P, Lakatta EG, Hofman A; MARE Consortium. Arterial stiffness and influences of the metabolic syndrome: A cross-countries study. Atherosclerosis. 2014;233:654-660 (IF 3.7)
- Zanoli L, Rastelli S, Inserra G, Lentini N, Valvo E, Calcagno E, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Castellino P. Increased arterial stiffness in inflammatory bowel diseases is dependent upon inflammation and reduced by immunomodulatory drugs. Atherosclerosis 2014 (IF 3.7)
- Calvet D, Touzé E, Laurent S, Varenne O, Sablayrolles JL, Boutouyrie P, Mas JL. Aortic stiffness measurement improves the prediction of asymptomatic coronary artery disease in stroke/transient ischemic attack patients. Int J Stroke. 2014;9:291-296 (IF 2.74)
- Mancia G, Fagard R, Narkiewicz K, Redon J, Zanchetti A, Böhm M, Christiaens T, Cifkova R, De Backer G, Dominiczak A, Galderisi M, Grobbee DE, Jaarsma T, Kirchhof P, Kjeldsen SE, Laurent S, Manolis AJ, Nilsson PM, Ruilope LM, Schmieder RE, Sirnes PA, Sleight P, Viigimaa M, Waeber B, Zannad F. 2013 ESH/ESC Practice Guidelines for the Management of Arterial Hypertension. Blood Press. 2014;23:3-16 (IF 1.39)
- Scuteri A, Laurent S, Cucca F, Cockcroft J, Guimaraes Cunha P, Rodriguez Mana L, Mattace-Rsao F, Muiesan ML, Ryliskyte L, Rietzschiel E, Strait J, Vlachopoulos C, Volezke H, Lakatta EG, Nilsson P. The Metabolic syndrome across Europe – Different clusters of risk factors. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2014 Mar 19. [Epub ahead of print] (non indéxé)
- 2015
- Van Sloten TT, Sedaghat S, Laurent S, London G, Pannier B, Ikram MA, Kavousi M, Mattace-Raso F, Franco O, Boutouyrie P, Stehouwer CDA. Carotid stiffness is associated with incident stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015 (IF 16.50)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. The structural factor in hypertension: large and small artery alterations. Circ Res 2015 (IF 11.1)
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Mousseaux E. Aortic Stiffening, Aortic Blood Flow Reversal, and Renal Blood Flow. Hypertension. 2015;66:10-2. (IF 6.48)
- Proust C, Empana JP, Boutouyrie P, Alivon M, Challande P, Danchin N, Escriou G, Esslinger U, Laurent S, Li Z, Pannier B, Regnault V, Thomas N, Jouven X, Cambien F, Lacolley P. Contribution of rare and common variants to plasma lipids levels and carotid stiffness and geometry – a substudy of the Paris Prospective Study 3. Circulation Cardiovasc Genetics 2015 (IF 4.04)
- Alivon M, Giroux J, Briet M, Goldwasser F, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Changes in blood pressure and arterial mechanical properties after antiangiogenic drugs : association with cancer progression and mortality. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Laurent S, Parati G, Chazova I, Sirenko Y, Erglis A, Laucevicius A, Farsang C. Randomised evaluation of a novel, fixed-dose combination of perindopril 3.5 mg/amlodipine 2.5 mg as a first-step treatment in hypertension. J Hypertens 2015;33:653-62 (IF 4.20)
- Millasseau S, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Foot detection and distances by different methods: implications for pulse wave velocity values. J Hypertens. 2015 ;33:2550-2551. (IF 4.20)
- Beaussier H, Boutouyrie P, Bobrie G, Laurent S, Coudoré F, Azizi M. True Antihypertensive Efficacy of Sequential Nephron Blockade in Patients with Resistant Hypertension and Confirmed Medication Adherence. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Sabbatini AR, Fontana V, Laurent S, Moreno H. An update on the role of adipokines in arterial stiffness and hypertension. J Hypertens. 2015;33:435-444 (IF 4.20)
- Grassi G, Seravalle G, Maloberti A, Facchetti R, Dell‟Oro R, Quarti Trevano F, Cuspidi C, ombelli M, Laurent S, Redon J, Mancia M. Within-visit blood pressure variability, cardiovascular risk factor and blood pressure control in central and eastern Europe: findings from the BP-CARE study. J Hypertens. 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Cunha PG, Cotter J, Oliveira P, Vila I, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Nilsson P, Scuteri A, Sousa N. Pulse wave velocity distribution in a cohort study –From arterial stiffness to early vascular ageing (EVA). J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- van Sloten TT, Sedaghat S, Laurent S, London G, Pannier B, Ikram MA, Kavousi M, Mattace-Raso F, Franco O, Boutouyrie P, Stehouwer CDA. Carotid stiffness is associated with incident stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Fadl Elmula FE, Rebora P, Talvik A, Salerno S, Miszkowska-Nagórna E, Liu X, Heinpalu-Kuum M, Comotti T, Larstorp A, Rostrup M, Valsecchi MG, Kjeldsen SE, Viigimaa M, Narkiewicz K, Parati G, Laurent S, for the BEtter control of blood pressure in hypertensive pAtients monitored Using the HOTMAN® sYstem (BEAUTY). Study Investigators Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring as a Guide to Drug Treatment in Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension: The BEAUTY Study. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Engelen L, Bossuyt J, Ferreira I, Van Bortel LM, Reesink KD, Segers P, Stehouwer CDA, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, on behalf of the Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration* Reference values for local arterial stiffness. Part A: carotid artery. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Bossuyt J, Engelen L, Ferreira I, Stehouwer CDA, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Segers P, Reesink K, van Bortel L, on behalf of the Reference Values for Arterial Measurements Collaboration* Reference intervals for local arterial stiffness. Part B: Femoral artery. J Hypertens 2015 (IF 4.20)
- Vlachopoulos C, Xaplanteris P, Aboyans V, Brodmann M, Cífková R, Cosentino F, Di Carlo M, Gallino A, Landmesser U, Laurent S, Lekakis J, P Mikhailidis DP, Naka K, D. Protogerou AD, RizzoniD, Schmidt-Trucksäss A, Van Bortel L, Weber T, Yamashina A, Zimlichman R. The role of vascular biomarkers for primary and secondary prevention. A position statement from the EuropeanSociety of Cardiology working group on peripheral circulation. Atherosclerosis 2015;241:507-532. (IF 4.0)
- Scuteri A, Laurent S, Cucca F, Cockcroft J, Cunha PG, Mañas LR, Raso FU, Muiesan ML, Ryliškytė L, Rietzschel E, Strait J, Vlachopoulos C, Völzke H, Lakatta EG, Nilsson PM; Metabolic
- Syndrome and Arteries Research (MARE) Consortium. Metabolic syndrome across Europe: different clusters of risk factors. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015;22:486-491 (IF 3.32)
- Alivon M, Vo-Duc Phuong T, Vignon V, Bozec E, Khettab H, Hanon O, Briet M, Halimi JM, Hallab M Plichart M, Mohammedi K, Marre M, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. A novel device for measuring arterial stiffness using finger-toe pulse wave velocity: Validation study of the pOpmètre. Arch Cardiovasc Dis. 2015 Feb 11. pii: S1875-2136(15)00004-2.
- 2016
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Blood pressure lowering trials: wrapping up the topic? Lancet 2016; 5;387:923-924 Editorial (IF 45.2)
- Messerli FH, Rimoldi SF, Bangalore S, Laurent S. When Increase in Central Pressure Overrides Benefits of Heart Rate Lowering. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016 Editorial (IF 16.5)
- Humphrey JD, Harrison DG, Figueroa CA, Lacolley P, Laurent S. Central Artery Stiffness in Hypertension and Aging: A Problem with Cause and Consequence. Circ Res 2016, 118:379-381 (IF 11.1)
- Sharman J, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S. Sharpening the focus on causes of ethnic differences in aortic stiffness. JACC Imaging 2016, Editorial (IF 7.81)
- Rimoldi S, Messerli F, Cerny D, Laurent S, Seiler C. Selective heart rate reduction with ivabradine increases central blood pressure in stable coronary artery disease. Hypertension 2016;67:1205-1210 (IF 6.50)
- Zanolli L, Empana JP, Estrugo N, Escriou G, Khettab H, Prunya JF, Castellino P, Laude D, Thomas F, Pannier B, Jouven X*, Boutouyrie P*, Laurent S*. The neural baroreflex pathway in subjects with metabolic syndrome. A sub study of the Paris Prospective Study III. Medicine 2016;95:e2472 (IF 5.72)
- Laurent S, Sharman J, Boutouyrie P. Central versus peripheral blood pressure: finding a solution. J Hypertens. 2016;34:1497-1479 Editorial (IF 4.72)
- Zanoli L, Rastelli S, Granata A, Inserra G, Empana JP, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Castellino P. Arterial stiffness in inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Hypertens. 2016;34:822-829 (IF 4.72)
- Greve SV, Blicher MK, Kruger R, Sehestedt T, Gram-Kampmann E, Rasmussen S, Vishram JK, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Olsen MH. Estimated carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity has similar predictive value as measured carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity. J Hypertens. 2016; 34:1279-1289 (IF 4.72)
- Greve SV, Blicher MK, Kruger R, Sehestedt T, Gram-Kampmann E, Rasmussen S, Vishram JK, Boutouyrie P, Laurent S, Olsen MH. Elevated estimated arterial age is associated with metabolic syndrome and low-grade inflammation. J Hypertens. 2016 (IF 4.72)
- Zanchetti A, Liu L, Mancia G, Parati G, Grassi G, Stramba-Badiale M, Silani V, Bilo G, Corrao G, Zambon A, Scotti L, Zhang X, Guan TR, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Berge E, Redon J, Narkiewicz K, Dominiczak A, Nilsson P, Viigimaa M, Laurent S, et al. ESH-CHL-SHOT trial investigators. Continuation of the ESH-CHL-SHOT trial after publication of the SPRINT: rationale for further study on blood pressure targets of antihypertensive treatment after stroke. J Hypertens. 2016;34:393-396 (IF 4.72)
- Wiernik E, Lemogne C, Thomas F, Perier MC, Guibout C, Nabi H, Laurent S, Pannier B, Boutouyrie P, Jouven X, Empana JP. Perceived stress, common carotid artery media thickenss and occupational status. The Paris Prospective Study III. Int J Cardiol. 2016; 221:1025-1030 (IF 4.64)
- Kwarciany M, Gąsecki D, Kowalczyk K, Rojek A, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Skrzypek-Czerko M, Nyka WM, Narkiewicz K, Karaszewski B. Acute hypertensive response in ischemic stroke is associated with increased aortic stiffness. Atherosclerosis. 2016;251:1-255 (IF 4.0)
- Empana JP, Prugger C, Thomas F, Perier MC, Zanolli L, Guibout C, Causseret S, Barnes C, Lemogne C, Laurent S, Pannier B, Boutouyrie P, Jouven X. Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors antidepressant use is related to lower baroreflex sensitivity independently of the severity of depressive symptoms. A community-study of 9213 participants from the Paris Prospective Study III. Atherosclerosis 2016,251:55-62 (IF 4.0)
- Laurent S, Marais L, Boutouyrie P. The non-invasive assessment of vascular aging. Can J Cardiol 2016;32:669-679 (IF3.81)
- Collins P, Maas A, Prasad M, Porter A, Schierbeck L, Simon T, Laurent S, Palacio S, De Villiers T, Pines A, Mikkola TS, Gambaccini M, Panay N, Steveneson JC, Lerman A. Vascular ageing in women- a new paradigm – Time for action! Eur J Prev Cardiol 2016 (IF 3.36)
- Greve S, Laurent S, Olsen M. Estimated Pulse Wave Velocity – calculated from age and mean arterial blood pressure. Pulse 2016, in press
- Chapters of books
- Safar ME, Laurent S, London GM. The arterial system in essential hypertension, In Clinical Research in Essential Hypertension by Safar ME ed, pp. 115-133, Schattauer, 1989.
- Safar ME, Soubies PhL, Safavian AM, Asmar RG, Laurent S. Anti-hypertensive therapy with uncontrolled systolic pressure and increased aortic rigidity, In : How should elderly hypertensive patients be treated ? by Omae T & Zanchetti A ed., Springer-Verlag, pp. 143-150, 1989.
- London G, Laurent S, Safar M. The autonomic nervous system and large conduit arteries. In Arterial vasodilation, Mechanisms and therapy. O’Rourke M, Safar M, Dzau V, eds.Edward Arnold, London, Melbourne, Auckland, 1993, pp 167-176.
- Laurent S. Mechanical stress of the arterial wall and hypertension. In: The arterial system in hypertension. M Safar and M. O’Rourke, eds. Kluwer pub., 1993, pp 5-26.
- Cuche JL, London G, Girerd X, Lacolley P, Laurent S, Safar M. Studies on the autonomic control of large arteries in human hypertension. In: Cardiovascular reflex control in health and disease. R. Hainsworth and A. Mark, WB Saunders , eds. London 1993;pp 213-234.
- Girerd X, Copie X, Mourad JJ, Acar C, Mignot JP, Safar M, Laurent S. Preoperative radial artery examination using high resolution echo-tracking device. In: Vasoreactivity of human vessels. eds JN Fabiani, M Yacoub, A Carpentier. Arnette, Blackwell 1996, pp113-124.
- Safar M, Laurent S. Vasodilatory drugs: Rilmenidine. In: Cardiovascular Drug Therapy, ed. F. Messerli, 1996, 633-642
- Girerd X, Boutouyrie P, Pannier B, Mourad JJ, Safar M, Laurent S. Noninvasive ultrasound methods for the measurement of arterial wall thickness. In Intima-media thickness and atherosclerosis : Predicting the risk ? Ed. P.J. Touboul. Parthenon Publishing, 1996, pp 45-58.
- Laurent S, Girerd X, Lacolley P, Boutouyrie P, Safar M. Compliance and arterial wall thickening. In Intima-media thickness and atherosclerosis: Predicting the risk ? Ed. P.J. Touboul. Parthenon Publishing, 1996, pp 81-96
- Safar M, Laurent S. Large arteries and veins in hypertension. in: Handbook of Hypertension. Vol 17 : Pathophysiology of Hypertension. Ed. A. Zanchetti, G. Mancia. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, 1997, pp 334-383.
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Determination of systemic and regional arterial stiffness. In: Handbook of Hypertension, vol 23: Arterial stiffness in hypertension. Ed ME Safar and MF O‟Rourke. Elsevier 2006; pp53-62
- Laurent S. Evidence-based medicine: central blood pressure in large clinical trials and clinical outcomes. In: Central aortic blood pressure. Ed S Laurent and J Cockcroft. Elsevier, 2008; pp 83-90
- Laurent S, Safar M. Large artery damage: measurement and clinical importance. In: Textbook of hypertension. Ed G Mancia and G Grassi; Egerton Group Ltd. 2009 pp 157-164
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Arterial Stiffness as an Early Marker of Organ Damage. In: Special issues in hypertension. Ed A Berbari and G Mancia, Springer-Verlag Italia 2013; pp 1-10
- Giannattasio C, Laurent S. Chapter 28: Central blood pressure in Textbook of Hypertension (Ed. G Mancia, G Grassi and J Redon), Informa Healthcare. 2014
- Laurent S, Safar M. Chapter 29: Large artery damage: measurement and clinical importance in Textbook of Hypertension (Ed. G Mancia, G Grassi and J Redon), Informa Healthcare. 2014
- Boutouyrie P, Macron L, Mousseaux E, Laurent S, Chapter 5: Determination of systemic and regional arterial structure and function in Pulse Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Cardiovascular Prevention (Ed. M Safar, M O’Rourke and E Frohlich), Springer Science+Business Media 2014
- Laurent S, Boutouyrie P, Mattace-Raso F. Chapter 20: Predictive value of arterial stiffness for cardiovascular events in Pulse Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Cardiovascular Prevention (Ed. M Safar, M O’Rourke and E Frohlich), Springer Science+Business Media 2014
- Briet M, Delahousse M, London G, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Chapter 26: Large artery remodeling and chronic kidney disease in Pulse Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Cardiovascular Prevention (Ed. M Safar, M O’Rourke and E Frohlich), Springer Science+Business Media 2014
- Beaussier H, Laurent S, Boutouyrie P. Chapter 38: Decreasing arterial stiffness and/or wave reflections independently of mean arterial pressure in hypertension in Pulse Pressure and Arterial Stiffness in Cardiovascular Prevention (Ed. M Safar, M O’Rourke and E Frohlich), Springer Science+Business Media 2014
- 1. Boutouyrie P, Beaussier H, Laurent S. Hemodynamic, mechanical factors actin on arteries in Arterial disorders (Ed. A Berbari and G Mancia), Springer Science+Business Media 2014
- Laurent S. Agabiti-Rosei E. Chapter 11: The cross-talk between the macro- and microcirculation. In Decreasing in Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) – new directions in cardiovascular protection (Ed. P Nilsson, M Olsen and S Laurent), Elsevier 2015
- Laurent S. Rizzoni D. Chapter 28: Targeting central BP through the macro-microcirculation cross-talk. In Decreasing in Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) – new directions in cardiovascular protection (Ed. P Nilsson, M Olsen and S Laurent), Elsevier 2015
- Laurent S. Steckelings UM. Chapter 31: New drugs under development for cardiovascular prevention. In Decreasing in Early Vascular Ageing (EVA) – new directions in cardiovascular protection (Ed. P Nilsson, M Olsen and S Laurent), Elsevier 2015
download complete list of publications