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Adam Frederik Cohen

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Professor Adam Frederik Cohen, The Netherlands

H-index 42

Adam Cohen in Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and was until 2018 CEO of the Foundation Centre for Human Drug Research (www.chdr.nl),  a foundation practicing a globally unique mix of a scientific institute that provides services to the pharmaceutical industry and scientific community e.g. the university and the Leiden Medical University Center.

He has supervised more than 30 PhD theses in clinical pharmacology at CHDR and co-authored more than 320 publications in the last 3 decades. Publications in high impact journals that emphasize his leading role in the field of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics and one of the leading figure founder of modern clinical pharmacology in the Dutch medical landscape.

He has developed an online teaching repository: the Teaching Resource System, a curriculum-wide E-learning program about pharmacological mechanisms of action, see https://chdr.nlleducation/trc. This tool is currently used by more than 200.000 users in more than 100 countries.  He is also the founding father of the PaulJanssen Futurelab, a Dutch initiative offering a professional post-graduate curriculum for life science entrepreneurs.

As a clinician, Cohen always remained actively involved in individual patient care as a physician at the department of Nephrology of LUMC.
As clinical pharmacologist, he was involved in the assessment of the incidents that occurred in the TGNL4L2 and BIA tO-2474 trial. His critical reflections led to the implementation of structured risk analysis in protocols, the EMA First-in-Human guideline and to practical tools such as the lnvestigator’s Brochure Derisk Analyzer tool (https://www.ib-derisk.orelloein/), reflecting both his strategic vision and practical, hands-on mentality. His diligent view on drug development also led to the concept of rational drug development, considering drugs as prototypes instead of routine programs in a sequential “phase system”. This approach was defined as “question-based drug development” (QbD) and has led to international awareness and the successful conduct of more than 300 clinical trials at CHDR only in the last decade.

Dr Cohen edited the Dutch Medical Journal (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde)  and is Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (BJCP). Between 1999 and 2011 he was vice-chairman of the Netherlands Competent Authority for Human Research (CCMO) and as such responsible for the formation of the regulatory policy for research in humans. He is a member of the supervisory Board of the Rotterdam Eye hospital and a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the German Institute for Aerospace Research and active in several international committees for scientific advice. He is the current recipient of the Lilly Prize of the British Pharmacological Society.

Dr Cohen has performed several extracurricular activities in volunteer organisations. During a period of several weeks, he volunteered as a relief physician for refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos during the peak of the crisis in January 2016. He is an active clarinet and bass clarinet player and is an experienced yacht skipper on the North Sea.


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[wm_item title=”Nomination Letter”]

Letter of nomination

With this letter the Dutch community in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics would like to motivate the nomination of Professor Adam Cohen, MD, PhD, FFPM, FBPhS, FACCP for the EACPT Prize 2019 for Lifetime Achievement in Clinical Pharmacology. Professor Adam Cohen has been selected for his life-long commitment and exceptional achievements in our field.

After successful doctorate degrees in pharmacy (1979) and medicine (1981) from Leiden State University, The Netherlands, dr Cohen joined the department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Wellcome Research Laboratories in Beckenham, UK. Here, he obtained experience in early drug development and was trained in clinical pharmacology under the guidance of among others Nobel Prize laureates professor James Black and professor John Vane. At Wellcome, Cohen’s work led to a PhD thesis about the development of the antihistamine acrivastine and antiepileptic lamotrigine in1986, under supervision of Prof. Dr. Douwe Breimer. His research with lamotrigine was renowned for its large educational and clinical impact. Eventually lamotrigine became the second bestselling drug of GSK. After further training in internal medicine and nephrology at King’s College Hospital in London, he returned to Wellcome Biotech, one of the first biotech companies in the world. There he worked as European Clinical project leader for t-PA which furthered his knowledge and expertise in large scale clinical trials. Already in the early stage of his career, dr Cohen became a member of thesteering committee of the prolific and ground-breaking lnternational Study of lnfarct Survival (lSlS)clinical trials in Oxford. Here, he worked with professor Richard Peto and professor Rory Collins who visionary and lasting changed the landscape of large scale clinical research.

His success made Cohen a renowned researcher in the field of clinical pharmacology. ln 1987, he returned to Leiden, the Netherlands to set up a professional clinical pharmacology institute, the Centre for Human Drug Research (CHDR). CHDR was founded as a foundation practicing a globally unique mix of a scientific institute that provides services to the pharmaceutical industry and scientific community e.g. the university and the Leiden Medical University Center. Dr Cohen became CEO from 1987 to 2O17, and during this period, CHDR grew to its current size (-200 FTEs). He has supervised more than 30 PhD theses in clinical pharmacology at CHDR and co-authored more than 320 publications in the last 3 decades. Publications in high impact journals, such as The Lancet, Annual Revisions of Pharmacology Toxicology and Reviews Nature Drug Discovery, emphasize his leading role in the field of Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Together with with some Leiden colleagues from the Faculty of BioPharmaceutical sciences (including professor Prof. Dr. Douwe Breimer andProf. Dr. Meindert Danhof), he became the leading figure founder of modern clinical pharmacology in the Dutch medical landscape. During his career he professionalized both research and education in clinical pharmacology without losing touch with the actual experimental work. He always worked (and still works) with undergraduate students and PhD fellows on a daily basis. As a result dr Cohen has been a mentor for many clinical pharmacologists also from outside the Netherlands that were trained at CHDR under his guidance. ln addition, long lasting collaborations with clinical pharmacology departments in the Netherlands and internationally were established. To name just two of these: professor Cohen has established a collaboration with professor Eiji Uchida (president Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology) at Showa University, Tokyo, Japan and professor David Webb (President of the British Pharmacological Society and professor of clinical pharmacology) at Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Also, together with his colleagues at Leiden University Medical Center he has been teaching pharmacology and therapeutics at the Leiden University Medical Centre and developed an online teaching repository: the Teaching Resource System, a curriculum-wide E-learning program about pharmacological mechanisms of action, see https://chdr.nlleducation/trc. This tool is currently used by more than 200.000 users in more than 100 countries including US, Australia, UK, and Germany. The website has more than 3.000.000 reads demonstrating its utility and wide spread acceptance of this unique resource. He is also the founding father of the Paul Janssen Futurelab, a Dutch initiative offering a professional post-graduate curriculum for life science entrepreneurs.

As a clinician, Cohen always remained actively involved in individual patient care at the department of nephrology of the Leiden University Medical Centre where he has an own out-patient clinic. To his opinion, the connection with individual patients is of utmost importance for a clinical pharmacologist. Cohen: “Research, otherwise would make me deal with groups only.” To date, hestill attends weekly renal pathology meetings, joins grand rounds and consults his patients with great enthusiasm.

As policy maker, dr Cohen has been extremely influential both nationally and internationally. He served as vice chairman of the Central Ethics Committee and Competent Authority for Clinical trials in the Netherlands and this work gave him a wide ranging experience in governmental/political affairs. He was chair of the implementation committee for the EU Clinical Trial Directive in the Netherlands. This led to the smooth implementation of the directive in the EU, being widely acknowledged as the Dutch Model with some envy. ln addition, he chaired several committees dealing with irregularities in research, in industry and the Ministry. He was also representing the Netherlands in the EU negotiations on the implementation of the new EU directive in Brussels andLondon, supported by a working party at the Ministry of Health. As clinical pharmacologist, he was involved in the assessment of the incidents that occurred in the TGNL4L2 and BIA tO-2474 trial. His critical reflections led to the implementation of structured risk analysis in protocols, the EMA First-in-Human guideline and to practical tools such as the lnvestigator’s Brochure Derisk Analyzer tool (https://www.ib-derisk.orelloein/), reflecting both his strategic vision and practical, hands-on mentality. His diligent view on drug development also led to the concept of rational drug development, considering drugs as prototypes instead of routine programs in a sequential “phase system”. This approach was defined as “question-based drug development” (QbD) and has led to international awareness and the successful conduct of more than 300 clinical trials at CHDR only in the last decade.

Regarding his publishing activities, dr Cohen has been (and still is) a role model for many students, researchers and clinicians. He edited the Dutch Medical Journal (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde) and was involved in the successful repositioning of the Journal and joined the executive editorial board of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (BJCP). Since 2014, he is the editor-in-chief of BJCP, being one of the highest ranked journals in the field.

Dr Cohen has performed several extracurricular activities in volunteer organisations. During a period of several weeks, he volunteered as a relief physician for refugees on the Greek island of Lesbos during the peak of the crisis in January 2016. He is an active clarinet and bass clarinet player and is an experienced yacht skipper on the North Sea.

As of January 2018, Cohen stepped down as CEO to continue as Director lnnovation Services at CHDR. On November 9th 2018, professor Cohen will become an emeritus professor of ClinicalPharmacology at Leiden University after 24 inspiring years with a well-acknowledged legacy. This legacy is indelible, ranging from the inception of a world-leading clinical pharmacology research institute with 200 FTEs to the set-up of a modernized E-learning curriculum about pharmacological mechanisms of action at the Leiden Medical school.

Altogether, we believe that Prof. Dr. Adam Cohen is a broadly trained professional with many faces. From the perspective of a clinician, researcher, entrepreneur and policy advisor, he was able to make a change on the (inter) national playground of clinical pharmacology research and education, patient care, industry and EU legislations. From the perspective of an innovator, he was responsible for the introduction of several commonly used and paradigm shifting tools, such as question-based drug development and rational risk analysis in study protocols. From a human perspective, his innovative and visionary way of thinking has never stopped him from keeping in touch with his patients. We are confident that Cohen’s dedication, drive and enthusiasm will continuously inspire students, fellow researchers and clinicians, at the present time and in the future.

ln conclusion, we wholeheartedly nominate professor dr Adam Cohen to be awarded the EACPTLifetime Achievement in Clinical Pharmacology because of his exceptional track record of achievements in the international development of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The nomination letter was signed by Professor Kees Kramer, MD, PhD

Nijmegen, 30 October 2018

view original nomination letter



[wm_item title=”Curriculum Vitae”]

Adam Frederik Cohen, MD PhD FFPM FBPhS FACCP

DATE OF BIRTH: 08.11.1952
PLACE OF BIRTH: Haarlem, the Netherlands
STATUS: married, three children
Registration Physician: 79020485001; pharmacist: 29020485017
Doctoral degree in Pharmacy, State University, Leiden, 1978.
Qualification in Pharmacy, State University, Leiden, 1979Doctoral degree in Medicine, State University, Leiden, 1980.
Qualification in Medicine, State University, Leiden, 1981.
ECFMG examination, 1980.
Ph.D., State University, Leiden 1986.
Member of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom (MFPM), 1996.

British Pharmacological Society
British Association for Psychopharmacology
Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics (full member)
Royal Dutch Pharmaceutical Society
American College of Clinical Pharmacology
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (ASCPT).
American Society of Nephrology

Fellowship of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Medicine of the UK (FFPM)
Fellowship of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (2009) (FCP)
Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society (FBPharmacolS)

May 1987   CEO, Centre for Human Drug Research, Leiden, the Netherlands.Staff Physician, Hypertension Clinic, Department of Nephrology Leiden University Medical Centre. Leiden, the Netherlands
March 1994   Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Leiden University
2006-2013  Chief executive of Promasys BV, a company producing data management software for clinical trials.
2014  Non-executive director of Omnicomm a company producing data management software in Fort Lauderdale USA (Nasdaq OMCM)
2014  Member of the non-executive board of the Rotterdam Eye Hospital.Member of the Patient Care Safety committee.
Jan 2018  Research Director Innovation Services, CHDR, Leiden, the Netherlands


Member of the Steering Committee of the ISIS study group (International Studies of Infarct Survival, Oxford, UK)
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Dutch Thrombosis Foundation.
Member of the editorial board of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Member of the National Committee for the coordination of AIDS research in the Netherlands.
Member of the section Medicine of the Health Council of the Netherlands (Independent Advisory Body to the Minister of Health).
Executive editor British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, until 1-1-2004
Academy of Medical Sciences UK Member of expert forum on early clinical development of drugs
Abstract Committee Dutch Society for Clinical Pharmacology
Chairman, Implementation Working group for the EU Directive on Clinical trials in the Netherlands (Ministry of Health)
Editor Dutch Medical Journal (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde)
Vice chairman of the Central Ethics Committee and Competent Trial Authority of the Netherlands (CCMO).
Faculty member and member of the advisory board of the European Course in Pharmaceutical Medicine (University of Basel)
Member of the scientific advisory board of Sanquin (Netherlands Blood Transfusion Service)
Chairman CORR foundation for ophthalmic research in Rotterdam
European editor of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Member of the Medical Sciences Committee of Science Europe (Representing the European Science funding agencies in the EU)
Chairman of the Alumni Association of Leiden University Medical School
Health Council of the Netherlands (Independent Advisory Body to the Minister of Health)
Member of the Council for Medical Sciences of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science
Member of the board of the Alumni Association of Leiden University Medical School
Chairman and founder of the LeidenFutureLab a new school for scientific entrepeneurs established by the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands in association with Leiden University
Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Netherlands Diabetes Patients Association

1980 – 1981 Pre-Registration clinical training at Leiden University Hospital, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Leiden and Bronovo Hospital, The Hague
1981-1984 Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Wellcome Research Laboratories, Research physician.
1984  Senior house officer, Medicine and Nephrology, Dulwich Hospital, London.
1984 – 1987  Department. Clinical research physician, Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, Kent and Research Registrar Department of Nephrology Dulwich Hospital ,London, UK.

1990  Advanced training in biomedical research management – Harvard Business School and School of public health; Copenhagen, Denmark.
1996  Strategic Research and Development Management – INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France.
2002  Strategic management of services –INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
2009  ProMaSys version 6 training; in house; ProMaSys BV by Frans Bouwmeester
2014  Immediate Life Support (ILS) /Advanced Life Support (ALS); RAVHM, in house;
2017 Update medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO) & GCP; Tapas Group; In house;

1990-   Responsible for the teaching program in pharmacology and clinical pharmacology to medical students in Leiden University Medical Centre
2000-   Responsible for the training of clinical pharmacologists in the post graduate training program of the Dutch Association for Clinical Pharmacology.
Lectures (250+) to international and national scientific organisations

10+ consultancy assignments to international major pharmaceutical industries and biotechnology industry regarding strategy for early drug development, regulatory strategy and scientific management.
Certified expert witness in several law courts of the Netherlands
Advisor to investment funds in the health industry

download CV


[wm_item title=”Publications”]

Adam Cohen has been an author of more than 300 original papers in the international scientific literature.

1. Aldenkamp AP, Baker G, Pieters MS, Schoemaker HC, Cohen AF, Schwabe S. The Neurotoxicity Scale: the validity of a patient-based scale, assessing neurotoxicity. Epilepsy Res. 1995;20(3):229-39.

2. Alvarez-Jimenez R, Hart EP, Prins S, de Kam M, van Gerven JMA, Cohen AF, et al. Reversal of mecamylamine-induced effects
in healthy subjects by nicotine receptor agonists: Cognitive and (electro) physiological responses. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2018;84(5):888-99.

3. Blauw GJ, Westendorp RG, Srivastava N, Burggraaf K, Frolich M, Simons R, et al. Hypoxia-induced arterial endothelin does not
influence peripheral vascular tone. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1995;26 Suppl 3:S242-3.

4. Boeijinga JK, van Meegen E, van den Ende R, Schook CE, Cohen AF. Lack of interaction between tramadol and coumarins. J
Clin Pharmacol. 1998;38(10):966-70.

5. Boeijinga JK, van Meegen E, van den Ende R, Schook CE, Cohen AF. Is there interaction between tramadol and
phenprocoumon? Lancet. 1997;350(9090):1552-3.

6. Boot JD, de Haas S, Tarasevych S, Roy C, Wang L, Amin D, et al. Effect of an NK1/NK2 receptor antagonist on airway
responses and inflammation to allergen in asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007;175(5):450-7.

7. Boot JD, De Haas SL, Van Gerven JM, De Smet M, Leathem T, Wagner J, et al. MK-0873, a PDE4 inhibitor, does not influence
the pharmacokinetics of theophylline in healthy male volunteers. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2008;21(3):573-7.

8. Boot JD, de Kam ML, Mascelli MA, Miller B, van Wijk RG, de Groot H, et al. Nasal nitric oxide: longitudinal reproducibility
and the effects of a nasal allergen challenge in patients with allergic rhinitis. Allergy. 2007;62(4):378-84.

9. Boot JD, Tarasevych S, Sterk PJ, Schoemaker RC, Wang L, Amin D, et al. Reversal of the late asthmatic response increases
exhaled nitric oxide. Respir Med. 2005;99(12):1591-4.

10. Boots I, Sukhai RN, Klein RH, Holl RA, Wit JM, Cohen AF, et al. Stimulation programs for pediatric drug research–do children
really benefit? Eur J Pediatr. 2007;166(8):849-55.

11. Broeyer FJ, Osanto S, Ritsema van Eck HJ, van Steijn AQ, Ballieux BE, Schoemaker RC, et al. Evaluation of biomarkers for
cardiotoxicity of anthracyclin-based chemotherapy. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2008;134(9):961-8.

12. Broeyer FJ, Osanto S, Suzuki J, de Jongh F, van Slooten H, Tanis BC, et al. Evaluation of lecithinized human recombinant super
oxide dismutase as cardioprotectant in anthracycline-treated breast cancer patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2014;78(5):950-60.

13. Broeyer FJ, van Aken BE, Suzuki J, Kemme MJ, Schoemaker HC, Cohen AF, et al. The pharmacokinetics and effects of a long-
acting preparation of superoxide dismutase (PC-SOD) in man. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;65(1):22-9.

14. Buijs MM, Burggraaf J, Langendonk JG, Schoemaker RC, Frolich M, Arndt JW, et al. Hyposomatotropism blunts lipolysis in
abdominally obese women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(8):3851-8.

15. Buijs MM, Burggraaf J, Wijbrandts C, de Kam ML, Frolich M, Cohen AF, et al. Blunted lipolytic response to fasting in
abdominally obese women: evidence for involvement of hyposomatotropism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;77(3):544-50.

16. Buijs MM, Romijn JA, Burggraaf J, De Kam ML, Cohen AF, Frolich M, et al. Growth hormone blunts protein oxidation and
promotes protein turnover to a similar extent in abdominally obese and normal-weight women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002;87(12):5668-

17. Buijs MM, Romijn JA, Burggraaf J, de Kam ML, Frolich M, Ackermans MT, et al. Glucose homeostasis in abdominal obesity:
hepatic hyperresponsiveness to growth hormone action. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004;287(1):E63-8.

18. Burggraaf J, Kemme MJ, Muller LM, Schoemaker RC, Cohen AF. The influence of the hand circulation on the assessment of
venous distensibility of the human forearm with venous occlusion plethysmography. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2000;50(6):621-3.

19. Burggraaf J, Lalezari S, Emeis JJ, Vischer UM, de Meyer PH, Pijl H, et al. Endothelial function in patients with hyperthyroidism
before and after treatment with propranolol and thiamazol. Thyroid. 2001;11(2):153-60.

20. Burggraaf J, Schoemaker HC, Cohen AF. Assessment of changes in liver blood flow after food intake–comparison of ICG
clearance and echo-Doppler. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1996;42(4):499-502.

21. Burggraaf J, Schoemaker HC, Kroon JM, Huisman L, Kluft C, Cohen AF. Influence of 1-desamino-8-D-vasopressin on

endogenous fibrinolysis, haemodynamics and liver blood flow in healthy subjects. Clin Sci (Lond). 1994;86(5):497-503.

22. Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Kroon JM, Cohen AF. The influence of nifedipine and captopril on liver blood flow in healthy
subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1998;45(5):447-51.

23. Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Lentjes EG, Cohen AF. Sorbitol as a marker for drug-induced decreases of variable duration in
liver blood flow in healthy volunteers. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2000;12(2):133-9.

24. Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Terpstra IJ, Cohen AF. A phase I double-blind, placebo-controlled, single rising dose study to
determine the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of oral YM934 in healthy male volunteers. J Clin Pharmacol. 1998;38(1):45-53.

25. Burggraaf J, Tulen JH, Lalezari S, Schoemaker RC, De Meyer PH, Meinders AE, et al. Sympathovagal imbalance in
hyperthyroidism. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2001;281(1):E190-5.

26. Burggraaf J, van Haarst AD, Fockens P, Schoemaker HC, Krauwinkel WJ, Cohen AF. The gastrointestinal passage and release
of beclomethasone dipropionate from oral delivery systems in ileostomy volunteers. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1998;46(3):207-14.

27. Burggraaf J, Westendorp RG, in’t Veen JC, Schoemaker RC, Sterk PJ, Cohen AF, et al. Cardiovascular side effects of inhaled
salbutamol in hypoxic asthmatic patients. Thorax. 2001;56(7):567-9.

28. Cath DC, Gijsman HJ, Schoemaker RC, van Griensven JM, Troost N, van Kempen GM, et al. The effect of m-CPP on tics and
obsessive-compulsive phenomena in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1999;144(2):137-43.

29. Cohen AF. On authorship in the BJCP. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2017;83(10):2127-30.

30. Cohen AF. [The life cycle of clinical drug research]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2017;161:D1576.

31. Cohen AF. Developing drug prototypes: pharmacology replaces safety and tolerability? Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2010;9(11):856

32. Cohen AF. Methods in clinical pharmacology–a tale of two worlds. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;66(5):585-7.

33. Cohen AF. [The pharmaceutical industry in uproar]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2005;149(19):1074.

34. Cohen AF. [European guideline for the quality of non-commercial clinical trials: elegant implementation in the Netherlands via
the amended Dutch Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2003;147(31):1493-5.

35. Cohen AF. [Class substitution of medicines–between cost reduction and the position of professionals in health care]. Ned
Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2002;146(12):551-3.

36. Cohen AF. [Medical research and the pharmaceutical industry. Uneasy bedfellows or a prenuptial agreement?]. Ned Tijdschr
Geneeskd. 2001;145(30):1438-42.

37. Cohen AF. [Clinical researchers and the pharmaceutic industry. The research contract is not an addendum]. Ned Tijdschr
Geneeskd. 1999;143(26):1345-9.

38. Cohen AF. [Scratch artifacts on the back; scientific research with reference to an advertisement]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.

39. Cohen AF, Ashby L, Crowley D, Land G, Peck AW, Miller AA. Lamotrigine (BW430C), a potential anticonvulsant. Effects on
the central nervous system in comparison with phenytoin and diazepam. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1985;20(6):619-29.

40. Cohen AF, Burggraaf J, van Gerven JM, Moerland M, Groeneveld GJ. The use of biomarkers in human pharmacology (Phase I)
studies. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2015;55:55-74.

41. Cohen AF, Burggraaf K, de Boer A, Kluft C. Clearance of plasminogen activator–a major determinant of plasma concentration:
therapeutic and diagnostic implications. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1992;667:443-9.

42. Cohen AF, Cohen BL. Tests of the linearity assumption in the dose-effect relationship for radiation-induced cancer. Health Phys.

43. Cohen AF, Dubois EA, van Bronswijk H. [New drugs; omalizumab]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(52):2871-2.

44. Cohen AF, Dubois EA, van Bronswijk H. [New drugs; palifermin]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(50):2753-4.

45. Cohen AF, Dubois EA, van Bronswijk H. [New medications; erlotinib]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(49):2703-4.

46. Cohen AF, Hamilton M, Philipson R, Peck AW. The acute effects of acrivastine (BW825C), a new antihistamine, compared with
triprolidine on measures of central nervous system performance and subjective effects. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1985;38(4):381-6.

47. Cohen AF, Hamilton MJ, Liao SH, Findlay JW, Peck AW. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetics of BW 825C: a new
antihistamine. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1985;28(2):197-204.

48. Cohen AF, Hamilton MJ, Peck AW. The effects of acrivastine (BW825C), diphenhydramine and terfenadine in combination with
alcohol on human CNS performance. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1987;32(3):279-88.

49. Cohen AF, Harkin N, Posner J. Cardiovascular effects of a novel enkephalin analogue, 443C81, in humans. J Cardiovasc
Pharmacol. 1990;16(3):455-60.

50. Cohen AF, Kroon R, Schoemaker HC, Breimer DD, Van Vliet-Verbeek A, Brandenburg HC. The bioavailability of digoxin from
three oral formulations measured by a specific h.p.l.c. assay. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1993;35(2):136-42.

51. Cohen AF, Kroon R, Schoemaker R, Hoogkamer H, van Vliet A. Influence of gastric acidity on the bioavailability of digoxin.
Ann Intern Med. 1991;115(7):540-5.

52. Cohen AF, Land GS, Breimer DD, Yuen WC, Winton C, Peck AW. Lamotrigine, a new anticonvulsant: pharmacokinetics in
normal humans. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1987;42(5):535-41.

53. Cohen AF, Loke YK, Ferro A, Lewis LD, Somogy A, Ritter JM. Editors’ report, November 2010. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2011;71

54. Cohen AF, Mattie H. Salivary electrolytes in the detection of digoxin intoxication. Neth J Med. 1979;22(5):149-52.

55. Cohen AF, Mitsudo S, Ruben RJ. Nasopharyngeal teratoma in the neonate. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 1987;14(2-3):187-95.

56. Cohen AF, Posner J. Effects of two antihistamine drugs on actual driving performance. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed).

57. Cohen AF, Posner J, Ashby L, Smith R, Peck AW. A comparison of methods for assessing the sedative effects of
diphenhydramine on skills related to car driving. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1984;27(4):477-82.

58. Cohen AF, Ritter JM. Industrialized research in the BJCP: a neo-Luddite view. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2012;74(6):903-6.

59. Cohen AF, Tiemstra JD. Diagnosis and treatment of rosacea. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2002;15(3):214-7.

60. Cohen AF, van Bronswijk H. [New drugs; ivabradine]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(48):2646-7.

61. Cohen AF, van Bronswijk H. [New drugs; nitisinone]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(46):2541-2.

62. Cohen AF, van Bronswijk H. [New medications; ziconotide]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(44):2427-8.

63. Cohen AF, van Bronswijk H. [New medications; zonisamide]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(42):2313.

64. Cohen AF, van Bronswijk H. [New medications; bevacizumab]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2006;150(40):2194-5.

65. Cohen AF, van Hall MA, van Harten J, Schoemaker RC, Johansson P, Breimer DD, et al. The influence of infusion rate on the
hemodynamic effects of felodipine. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1990;48(3):309-17.

66. Cohen AF, Warman SP. Upper airway obstruction secondary to warfarin-induced sublingual hematoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head
Neck Surg. 1989;115(6):718-20.

67. Cohen J, Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Sterk PJ, Cohen AF, Diamant Z. Relationship between airway responsiveness to
neurokinin A and methacholine in asthma. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 2005;18(3):171-6.

68. Collins, R Flather, M Parish, S Sleight, P, Cohen AF, et al. ISIS-4 – A randomized factorial trial assessing early oral
captopril, oral mononitrate, and intravenous magnesium-sulfate in 58,050 patients with suspected acute myocardial-infarction. The Lancet.
1995;345 (8951): 669-85.

69. Damiano A, Glickman AB, Rubin JS, Cohen AF. Ectopic thyroid tissue presenting as a midline neck mass. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol. 1996;34(1-2):141-8.

70. de Boer A, Cohen AF. Digoxin and mortality: lessons for observational studies. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2016;81(1):4-5.

71. de Boer A, Danhof M, Cohen AF, Magnani HN, Breimer DD. Interaction study between Org 10172, a low molecular weight
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